- So to consolidate the army we must both enhance Party spirit and eliminate factionalism, and strengthen discipline. 所以,军队的整顿,一个是要提高党性,消除派性;一个是要加强纪律性。
- In order to achieve stability and unity,we must eliminate factionalism and enhance Party spirit. 要安定团结,就必须消除派性,增强党性。
- So to consolidate the army we must both enhance Party spirit and eliminate factionalism,and strengthen discipline. 所以,军队的整顿,一个是要提高党性,消除派性;一个是要加强纪律性。
- In order to achieve stability and unity, we must eliminate factionalism and enhance Party spirit. 要安定团结,就必须消除派性,增强党性。
- To accomplish these tasks,we must enhance Party spirit,eliminate factionalism,heighten the sense of discipline and improve efficiency. 为了做到这些,我们要增强党性,消除派性,加强纪律性,提高工作效率。
- To accomplish these tasks, we must enhance Party spirit, eliminate factionalism, heighten the sense of discipline and improve efficiency. 为了做到这些,我们要增强党性,消除派性,加强纪律性,提高工作效率。
- Among them,combating sectarianism -- that is,combating factionalism and enhancing Party spirit -- is very important. 在这一系列党的原则中,反对宗派主义,也就是反对派性,增强党性,是很重要的一条。
- Enhance Party Spirit and Build Good Style 加强党性修养建设良好作风
- The present attempts to solve problems in different regions and units should all begin with combating factionalism and enhancing Party spirit. 现在解决各地区、各部门的问题,都要从反对派性、增强党性入手。
- Among them, combating sectarianism -- that is, combating factionalism and enhancing Party spirit -- is very important. 在这一系列党的原则中,反对宗派主义,也就是反对派性,增强党性,是很重要的一条。
- 8. So to consolidate the army we must both enhance Party spirit and eliminate factionalism, and strengthen discipline. 所以,军队的整顿,一个是要提高党性,消除派性;一个是要加强纪律性。收藏指正
- 4.To accomplish these tasks, we must enhance Party spirit, eliminate factionalism, heighten the sense of discipline and improve efficiency. 军队整顿当中,还要加强干部学习,增强党性,反对派性,加强纪律性,发扬艰苦奋斗的传统作风。
- 7. To accomplish these tasks, we must enhance Party spirit, eliminate factionalism, heighten the sense of discipline and improve efficiency. 为了做到这些,我们要增强党性,消除派性,加强纪律性,提高工作效率。收藏指正
- We advocate Party spirit and oppose factionalism. 我们提倡党性,反对派性。
- Each cadre is required to put Party spirit above everything else. 每个干部都要把党性放在第一位。
- It is necessary to enhance the Party spirit for raising the consciousness of resisting liberalism. 因此,加强党性锻炼,提高抵御自由主义侵蚀的自觉性,确有必要。
- Party spirit enlists a man's virtue in the cause of his vice. 党派心使人的美德也为罪恶效劳。
- About the risks Lily: And they'll get into the party spirit. 进入热闹的聚会情绪。
- 6. Among them, combating sectarianism -- that is, combating factionalism and enhancing Party spirit -- is very important. 在这一系列党的原则中,反对宗派主义,也就是反对派性,增强党性,是很重要的一条。收藏指正
- They brought state-of-the-art technology to the task of mobilizing their base, and centralized power in the House of Representatives in order to enhance party discipline. 他们应用这种艺术级别的政治活动方式来动员基层党员,而且为了加强党纪,他们将势力集中在众议院中。