- The most complex of job shop systems is the open shop. 最复杂的定货加工式工厂系统就是开放式工厂。
- Job shop scheduling problem (JSSP) is a very difficult combinatorial optimization problem, which is proved to be NP-hard. It has great importance in engineering application and academic study. 作业车间调度问题(Job Shop Scheduling Problem,简称JSSP)是一个非常复杂的NP-难组合优化问题,它在工程应用中有着十分重要的意义。
- A structural model for large-scale projects is not far different from a job shop model. 一个大型工程项目的结构模型同一个定货加工厂的模型相差不远。
- A new local search method with hybrid neighborhood for Job shop scheduling problem is developed. 另辟蹊径求解工厂作业调度问题。
- Give the arithmetic examples of flow shop and job shop, and show their schedule Gantt pictures. 针对流水调度和作业调度给出了算法实例,并且绘制出了流水和作业调度的甘特图。
- Local search is a very important heuristic method for the job shop scheduling problem. 邻域搜索是一种很重要的求解工件加工调度问题的启发式算法。
- The results have shown the effectiveness of particle swarm optimisation for flexible job shop scheduling. 实验结果表明粒子群算法在柔性工作车间调度问题的应用上是十分有效的。
- W Barnes, J B Chambers.Solving the job shop scheduling problem with tabu search[J].IIE Transaction, 1995,27. 周泓;蔡缪峰;冯允成.;求解流水车间作业排序问题的一种遗传算法[J]
- CIM differs from the traditional job shop manufacturing system in the role the computer plays in the manufacturing process. CIM与传统的加工车间的制造系统的区别在于计算机在制造过程中所起的作用。
- Job Shop Scheduling is a difficult combinatorial optimization problem and an improved genetic algorithm is used to solve it. 摘要作业车间调度是一类求解困难的组合优化问题,使用改进的遗传算法来求解。
- Hierarchical dispatching rule is a method which optimizes result of job shop scheduling.But building the mode is complicated. 递阶组合规则是一种优化车间作业调度结果的方法,但其构成方式较为复杂。
- It was difficult to get the absolute position of magnets because of obstacles in job shop and this often caused trouble in debugging AGV. 车间环境障碍使得磁钉的绝对位置难以精确测量,给AGV的实际应用调试带来不便。
- Job Shop Problem is the concentrate model of many actual job shop shedule problems, and it is a typical Nondeterministic Polynomial-time hard problem. 作业车间调度(Job-Shop调度)问题是许多实际车间调度问题的简化模型,是一个典型的 NP-hard 问题。
- A hybrid algorithm of ant colony &genetic algorithms was proposed to solve the flexible Job Shop scheduling problem capacitated constraints. 摘要提出一种主、从递阶结构的蚁群遗传求解算法。
- This paper presents a complete multiagent framework for dynamic job shop scheduling, with an emphasis on robustness and adaptability. 本文描述了一个完整的为动态车间进度工作表设计的多主体框架,着重强调了此框架的及健全性和适应性。
- This thesis presents a novel use of Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) for the extraction of knowledge from a large set of job shop schedules. 癌症化疗用药规划模型是种多模的最佳化问题,其可行的解空间是由数个不连续的区空间所构成。
- Job Shop Scheduling problem is an important problem in actual production of manufacturing system, it is also one of the difficult problems of theory research. 作业车间调度问题是制造系统实际生产中的重要问题,也是理论研究的难点之一。
- Our customers are globally located, ranging from multinationals to small jobbing shops. 我们的客户遍及全球,有跨国公司也有小型加工车间。
- Meanwhile,the dynamic generation of Gantt chart is implemented.The result of this paper can be applied to flow shop scheduling and job shop scheduling problem directly. 最后将量子粒子群算法应用到花布印染企业的生产调度中,对加工任务进行优化调度,并实现甘特图的动态生成。
- My major is the subject of chemical engineering. 我的专业是化学工程学。