- What can be done endorsement of the transfer? 购房者问:什么情况下可以做背书转让?
- After the endorsement of his home state the candidate campaign in the neighboring state. 得到了本州的支持後,这个竞选者就到邻州游说去了。
- endorsement of conviction 犯罪记录的批注
- The election victory is a clear endorsement of their policies. 竞选成功显然是对他们政策的支持。
- Executions were often carried out on the date of conviction. 死刑经常在定罪的当天立即执行。
- After the endorsement of his home state the candidate campaigned in the neighboring states. 得到了本州的支持後,这个竞选者就到邻州游说去了。
- A defendant's risk or danger of conviction when put on trial. 被告在法庭上有被判罪的危险
- These measures have the strong endorsement of the Labour party. 这些措施得到了工党的大力支持。
- He obstinately denied everything, the theft and his character of convict. 他坚决否认一切,否认行窃,也否认当过苦役犯。
- "It is not indiscreet," returned Morcerf, with the simplicity of conviction. “这没什么失礼的,”马尔塞夫非常自信地答道。
- This royal endorsement of golf helped to boost its popularity in Europe. 皇室对高尔夫运动的这种支持有助于促进这项运动在欧洲的流行。
- He is a man of conviction, international experience and high intelligence. 他信念坚定,且富有国际经验和高度智慧。
- Government endorsement of high-speed land vehicles on public highways. 政府为在公众高速公路上高速驾驶的交通工具背书。
- Whether out of conviction or necessity, Freeh had begun to do just that. 无论是出于信念或必要性,弗里已经开始这么做了。
- McCain won the endorsement of former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney. 麦凯恩赢得了前麻萨诸塞州州长罗姆尼的支持。
- The complexity of tax laws is also a consideration when determining probability of conviction. 在确定定罪的可能性时,税法的复杂性也是一个考虑因素。
- The court's endorsement of executive supervision facilitated the growth of the Reagan oversight program. 法院对行政监督的认可为里根政府的监督计划的发展提供了便利。
- What was needed to appeal to the floating voters was the ability to inspire them with a sense of conviction. 吸引那些动摇不定的投票者所需要的是唤起这些人的坚定信念。
- Emperor Julian, having attempted to reverse the official endorsement of Christianity by the Roman Empire. 朱利安皇帝,他试图颠覆罗马教皇对基督教的官方背书。
- The codefendant will probably benefits from the cooperation in the aspect of conviction or sentence. 作为相互合作的回报,同案被告在作证之徒可能在定罪或量刑方面获得相应的利益。