- Therefore concentration of forces and the use of encircling and outflanking tactics are the prerequisites for mobile warfare,that is,for quick-decision offensive warfare on exterior lines. 所以,集中兵力,采用包围迂回战术,是实施运动战即外线的速决的进攻战之必要条件。
- Therefore concentration of forces and the use of encircling and outflanking tactics are the prerequisites for mobile warfare, that is, for quick-decision offensive warfare on exterior lines. 所以,集中兵力,采用包围迂回战术,是实施运动战即外线的速决的进攻战之必要条件。
- encirclement and outflanking 包围和迂回
- So ended the first campaign of"encirclement and suppression". 第一次“围剿”就这样结束了。
- So ended the first campaign of" encirclement and suppression. 第一次“围剿”就这样结束了。
- It involves numerous problems of how to break the encirclement and suppression. 这个阶段包含着怎样打破“围剿”的许多问题。
- Political mobilization is a problem of prime importance in the struggle against "encirclement and suppression". 政治动员是反“围剿”斗争中第一个重要问题。
- The process of breaking an "encirclement and suppression" campaign is usually circuitous and not as direct as one would wish. 打破“围剿”的过程往往是迂回曲折的,不是径情直遂的。
- The history of the Red Army's decade of war is a history of counter-campaigns against "encirclement and suppression". 十年的红军战争史,就是一部反“围剿”史。
- When will the pattern of repeated "encirclement and suppression" campaigns come to an end? “围剿”反复的形式何时结束?
- Every "encirclement and suppression" campaign has these two stages, and they alternate over a long period. 任何的“围剿”,都是包括这两个阶段的,而且是长期地反复的。
- The most striking example of the loss of a base area was that of the Central Base Area in Kiangsi during the fifth counter-campaign against "encirclement and suppression". 丧失根据地的最显著的例子,是在反对第五次“围剿”中丧失了江西中央根据地。
- It involves numerous problems of how to break the "encirclement and suppression". 这个阶段包含着怎样打破“围剿”的许多问题。
- Every "encirclement and suppression" campaign has these two stages,and they alternate over a long period. 任何的“围剿”,都是包括这两个阶段的,而且是长期地反复的。
- Military equalitarianism reached its extreme point in our fifth counter-campaign against "encirclement and suppression" in 1934. 军事平均主义,到一九三四年第五次反“围剿”时,发展到了极点。
- No. It is only when we have to deal with a large-scale campaign of enemy "encirclement and suppression" that we refuse to fight in the White areas. 不是的。我们拒绝在白区作战,仅仅指的对付敌军大规模“围剿”。
- The soldiers on both sides of the main army body are flanks. Their task was to guard against enemy attacks and outflanking,so they face outside. And there is another array of warriors at the rear. 大部队西边的士兵是侧翼,他们的使命是保护大部队不受敌人的袭击和包围,所以他们脸都朝外。
- The Red Army's operations take the form of counter-campaigns against "encirclement and suppression". 红军的活动,采取了反“围剿”的形式。
- Unless we have made necessary and sufficient preparations against a planned enemy "encirclement and suppression" campaign, we shall certainly be forced into a passive position. 对于敌人的一次有计划的“围剿”,如果我们没有必要的和充分的准备,必然陷入被动地位。
- The soldiers on both sides of the main army body are flanks. Their task was to guard against enemy attacks and outflanking, so they face outside. And there is another array of warriors at the rear. 大部队西边的士兵是侧翼,他们的使命是保护大部队不受敌人的袭击和包围,所以他们脸都朝外。