- The amulet she is wearing has been blessed by eminent monks. 她戴的那个护身符,是经过寺院高僧开光的。
- They returned from Afghanistan with an image of Gautama Buddha, 42 sutras and two eminent monks. 明帝允北匈奴互市之请,但并未消弥北匈奴的寇掠,反而动摇了早已归附的南匈奴。
- The first ones are those of Tang Dynasty Pure Esotericism translated by the Kaiyuan Three Mahasattvas and famous eminent monk Yixing. 首选唐开元三大士善无畏、金刚智、不空,以及著名高僧一行等唐代所译纯密经典,次及宋代名僧天息灾(法贤)、施护、法天和金、元、明、清时代译经。
- The Pagoda Forest in Shaolin Temple is a place where eminent monks take their eternal sleep. Now, it has been turned into a famous scenic spot. 少林寺塔林是历代高僧长眠的地方,如今成了著名景点。
- After accomplishing his charitable and pious deeds, this eminent monk passed way. 这位高僧功德圆满,坐化而去。
- Records show that the temple was built by an eminent monk named Tanluan in the 2nd year of Yanxing (472) of the Northern Wei Dynasty (386--534). 据记载,寺为北魏延兴二年(公元472年)由高僧云鸾大师所建。
- The "Corporeal Body and Treasure Hall" has eminent monk Jin Qiaojue's corporeal body and Zhiyuan Temple shows splendid palatial architecture. 山上原来供奉唐代高僧金乔觉金装肉身的“肉身宝殿”,金壁辉煌的宫殿式建筑觯祗园 寺等。
- Eminent Monk Xuan Zang (602-664) of Tang made a long journey and brought back ancient culture of South Asian countries in the form of Buddhist sutras. 玄奘万里取经,带回南亚国家的古老文化。
- In the Autumn of 575, a boat carried an eminent monk Zhizhe regarded as the Mentor of State by the Emperor to Tiantai Mountains. 公元575年的一天,一条小船将被皇帝奉为国师的高僧智者带到了天台山。
- It is just like eminent monk preaches Buddhism with the calm and sedate looking, regular features, fine fettle and moving lips. 观之形态端庄,五官饱满,眉宇传神,嘴唇翕动,如佛使高僧向众生万物讲经说法。
- Some reverent artists have drawn and carved massive images of Buddha, Bodhisattva, eminent monks, God animals, conch, and other heavenly bodies on rocks along the roadside. 一些受人崇敬的艺术家曾在路边的岩壁上画下和刻下了大量佛像、菩萨像,僧侣和神仙像,以及贝壳与天体的图像。
- As a boy Jigong was very clever. He studied hard for 4 years under the Chicheng Hill and became an eminent monk of Zen Buddhism, regarded as an Arhat by the Buddhists. 少年时的济公,天份极高,在赤城山的一盏明月下苦读了四年诗书。后来成为禅宗里的一个高僧,被佛教界尊为罗
- In Emperor Xuanzong's reign of the Tang Dynasty, an eminent monk named Haitong from Guizhou Province once came to visit the Lingyun Temple in Jiazhou (present-day Leshan County). 唐玄宗开元元年,贵州有位海通高僧。一次,他路经嘉州往访凌云山寺时,
- Fa Xian, an eminent monk of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, recorded in his Travels Notes On Tianzhu (India) that he witnessed two "Xingxiang"fairs on his journey to the West. 我国东晋高僧法显在《自记游天竺事》中曾两次记述他在西游途中所见到的行像大会,
- This coincides with the legend of the three saints' presence at the time of Huaiyu's death who was an eminent monk of Tang-dynasty Buddhist Jingtu sect. 涌泉寺塑西方三,与相传的唐净土宗高僧怀玉临终时,阿弥陀佛、观世音、大势至菩萨共持金刚台相迎之说有关。
- Dongkou flies flows like practices, in the hole may accommodate 340 people, for all previous dynasties eminent monk, Gao Daobi closes, wards off the valley the practice place. 洞口飞流如练,洞内可容三四十人,为历代高僧、高道辟关、辟谷的修炼场所。
- In the Sui (581--618) and Tang (618--907) Dynasties, eminent monks as Daochuo and Shandao became successive abbots of the temple, where they distinguished themselves in the study of the doctrine of the Sukhavati Sect. 至隋唐时代,高僧道绰,善导都先后在玄中寺住持,探讨、研究净土佛学,讲经说法。
- A grand ceremony of enshrining the world largest Buddha statue was held in Sanya, in south China's Hainan Province, attended by eminent monks and Buddhist disciples from China and around the world. 昨天上午,三亚南山海上观音像举行盛大的开光典礼,两岸四地的108位高僧大德为开光主理了法事。
- Legend has it for the Dian-founder of the body like the Buddha, the temple incense heyday, there have been many eminent monks in this session is satisfied only Tidu, Jiang Jing said. 相传祖师殿供像系肉身成佛,寺内香火鼎盛,曾有多届高僧在此剃度纳徒,讲经说法。
- In fact he was the truthful friend of Jiang Yuan,both followed the doctrine of the eminent monk Che Wu Zen Master of Hong Luo Temple in the west suburbs of Beijing during Qianlong and Jiaqing regime. 其实他与江沅乃挚友 ,均尊奉乾、嘉时京西红螺寺名僧彻悟禅师著作。