- electric bench grinder 台式电动砂轮机
- On-line STD Measurement System for Bench Grinder Performance 砂轮机性能在线微机检测系统
- Extruding parts, mortars and cement soils adhering on cement surface, oil and water, or too smooth surface should be removed or treated with abrader machines or bench grinders. 突出部分及附著于水泥面上之砂浆屑、泥土、水泥翻沫及油、水等杂物或表面极光滑者,均须以磨石机或砂轮机清除。
- Design Improvement of Die-Casting Die for the Rotor of the Bench Grinder 砂轮机转子压铸模设计的改进
- The chef used an electric grinder in the kitchen. 厨师在厨房使用电动磨碎机。
- It's quite clear that the electric car is technically feasible. 电动汽车明显在工艺技术上是可行的。
- Industry is a heavy user of electric power. 工业需耗费大量的电力。
- Never poke a finger or scissors into an electric socket. 千万不要把手指或剪刀插进电源插座。
- hand bench grinder 手动台式磨床
- The machines are driven by electric motors. 这些机器都是由电动机驱动的。
- bench grinder 台式手摇砂轮,台式磨床
- She buy an electric toaster this morning. 今天上午她买了一个烤面包片的电炉。
- It's a conduit enclosing insulated electric wires. 这是包电线的导管。
- A lot of electric lamps illumined the stage. 舞台由许多电灯照亮。
- I did the letter on my electric typewriter. 我是用电动打字机打这封信的。
- He bought an electric hair-drier for Mary. 他给玛丽买了一个电吹风。
- Please turn off the electric power. 请把电源关掉。
- He bought an electric hair-dryer for Mary. 他给玛丽买了一个电吹风。
- Magnetism produced by electric charge in motion. 电磁性由运动电荷引起的磁性
- The electric saw whined as it cut the wood. 电锯在锯木头时嘎嘎作响。