- Those which establish or are restructured into joint-stock enterprises or other economic organization. 设立或者改制为股份制企业以及其他经济组织的。
- This paper proposes a dynamic framework of economic organization called the option-creating institution (OCI) model. 本文构建了一个经济组织的动态框架,被称为期权创造机制(OCI)模型。
- As a new economic organization form, industrial cluster sharpens competitive edge for most of the industries. 产业集群作为一种新的经济组织形式,可以为绝大多数产业提升竞争优势。
- The issues in the party's construction of non-government economic organization have their own complicated causations. 摘要非公有制经济组织党的建设面临的问题有其复杂的根源。
- As a developmental financial institution of the government, China Development Bank (CDB) is also a special economic organization. 摘要国家开发银行作为政府的开发性金融机构,是一种特殊的经济组织。
- Murra, John, 1956, The Economic Organization of the Inca State. Ph.D. dissertation, Anthropology Department, University of Chicago. 徐韶仁,1987,利稻村布农族的祭仪;治疗仪礼之研究。中国文化大学民族与华侨研究所硕士论文。
- Weber, Max 1947 The Theory of Social and Economic Organization, translated by A.M.Henderson and Talcott Parsons.New York: Free Press. 鲁乐中译(Tom Peters原著) 民86 解放型管理(上):无结构时代的脑体事业;台北:时报文化.
- Abstract This paper puts forward a new idea that firm is the economic organization for gaining the Pareto optimized specific public goods. 摘要 文章提出了一种新的企业观,即企业是为获取专用性公共品帕累托最优解的经济组织。
- Williamson O.E.Corporative Economic Organization:The Analysis of Discrete Structural Alternatives[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1991,35 (2). 韩智勇;高玲玲.;基于交易费用理论的虚拟企业动力机制及效率边界分析[J]
- Murra, John, 1956, The Economic Organization of the Inca State. Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago. 徐韶仁;1987;利稻村布农族的祭仪;治疗仪礼之研究.;中国文化大学民族与华侨研究所硕士论文
- In case it is owned by a farmers'collective of a town, a collective economic organization of the town shall exercise the ownership on behalf of the collective. 属于乡镇农民集体所有的,由乡镇集体经济组织代表集体行使所有权。
- Theindustrial Revolution refers to the mechanisation of industry and theconsequent changes in social and economic organization in Britain in the late18th and early 19th centuries. 工业革命指的是17世纪末、18世纪初英国工业的机械化,以及因此而导致的社会结构和经济结构的变化。
- One side, it boosts peasant's income, the social economic development, and the united benefits of peasant, businessman, as well as economic organization. 一方面,它促进了农民收入的提高,社会经济的发展,进而农民、商人以及经济体利益的一体化。
- Abstract: Since knowledge has been considered as a core resource of economic organization, the externalization of tacit knowledge is becoming a hot issue. 文章摘要: 近年来关于隐性知识转化的问题已经成为知识管理领域的研究重点。
- As the first regional economic organization that China joins, the establishment of CAFTA will have the profound influences to Chinese foreign trade development. 作为中国加入的第一个区域性经济组织,其成立必然会对中国的对外贸易发展产生深远的影响。
- The waters in ponds and reservoirs possessed by agricultural collective economic organizations are collectively owned. 农业集体经济组织所有的水塘、水库中的水,属于集体所有。
- Encouraging economic organizations with diverse forms of ownership to assist with the development of the poor areas. 鼓励多种所有制经济组织参与扶贫开发。
- It is the duty of our financial and economic organizations to apply this principle conscientiously. 这一方针的着重的执行,是我们财政机关和经济机关的责任。
- If we concentrate our forces on a narrow front for a defensive war of attrition, we would be throwing away the advantages of our geography and economic organization and repeating the mistake of Abyssinia. 如果我们集中兵力在一个狭小的阵地上作消耗战的抵抗,将使我军失掉地理上和经济组织上的有利条件,犯阿比西尼亚的错误。
- He has been an unsung hero of the country's economic growth. 他是使这个国家经济成长的无名英雄。