- The economic imbalance and inharmony in Wenzhou Model is worth our consideration. 摘要温州模式中经济发展的非均衡性、非和谐性问题值得我们重视与研究。
- The two-day meeting, which concluded on Friday, has called for a more flexible currency regime globally to reduce the global economic imbalance. 灵活的货币制度以减少全球经济失衡。
- Economic imbalance, universal alienation of international intercourse and feeling of universalism result in and intensify conflicting. 经济发展的不平衡、国际间交往关系的普遍异化及普世主义情结共同导致和加剧了价值冲突。
- Telegraph Beijing: The over spending spree in US and over saving in China is causing a global economic imbalance at our age. 每日电邮撰文指出,中国的过度储蓄和美国的过度消费是造成目前全球金融危机的罪魁祸首之一。
- It is pointed out that California's electricity disaster was formed by the market maladjustment of purchase and sale based on the economic imbalance between supply and demand for electric power. 指出:此次严重电灾是在经济范围供需失衡基础上引发市场购销失调,加上管理不善而形成的;
- To address the economic imbalance of different areas and ethnic groups, Indian government adopts a series of financial measures to develop industry and agriculture of the underdeveloped areas. 摘要为了解决各地区、各民族经济发展的不平衡,印度采取了一系列的金融措施来促进欠发达地区工农业的发展。
- Longstanding social divides have worsened, energy security is more of an issue, and the economic imbalance between robust exports and investment and lagging consumption has intensified. 长期存在的贫富差距进一步扩大,能源安全也是个问题,强劲的出口和投资与落后的消费之间的不平衡状态进一步加剧。
- Forget greedy borrowers, napping regulators or global economic imbalances. 无视贪婪的老赖,形同虚设的监管和全球经济的不平衡。
- Understanding Global Economic Imbalance Richard 理解全球经济失衡
- However, the OECD also urged China to play a greater part in helping global economic imbalances to unwind gently. 然而,经合组织也敦促中国在缓解全球经济失衡方面发挥更大作用。
- The aims of restructuring society, eradication of poverty and alleviating economic imbalances were the imperatives of Malaysia policymakers in relation to the NEP. 新经济政策决策者的制定目的是重组社会、消除贫穷以及减少经济不平衡。
- The national policy aiming to reduce economic imbalances in the French territory has failed to promote a coherent Bassin Parisien system. 国家层面的政策试图降低法国境内的经济不平衡,但却无法促进巴黎盆地这个完整空间系统的形成。
- China's hectic growth has made it an indispensable partner both in redressing global economic imbalances and in curbing carbon emissions. 自克公来华这十年,可谓风水轮流转,中国慢慢做大。
- Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of the People's Bank of China, attended the conference, where global economic imbalances were a key topic. 中国人民银行行长周小川参加了此次会议。全球经济失衡是此次会议的一个主要话题。
- Global Economic Imbalance and Its Challenge for China 全球经济失衡对中国的挑战
- He has been an unsung hero of the country's economic growth. 他是使这个国家经济成长的无名英雄。
- Policy Options in the Backdrop of Global Economic Imbalance 全球经济失衡条件下的政策选择
- American Economic Hegemony and the Global Economic Imbalance 美国经济霸权与全球经济失衡
- As we consider the global economic imbalances and differential growth rates between continents the importance of structural economic reform can no longer be discounted. 因为我们考虑到全球经济发展不均衡以及各洲间增长速度差异性,经济结构改革变得非常重要。
- Webb cited the actions of Presidents Theodore Roosevelt, who took on economic imbalances Webb compared to today's, and Dwight Eisenhower, who brought an end to the Korean War. Webb援引罗斯福总统的措施,他解决了经济不平衡,Webb对比了如今的情况。他还提到了艾森豪威尔结束了朝鲜战争。