- economic expansion incentive 经济扩张动力
- A nation's practice or policy of territorial or economic expansion. 扩张主义一个国家领土或经济扩张的政策或实践
- The post-war period of economic expansion. 比如:二战后经济发展期就是
- A period of rapid economic expansion. 经济的迅速膨胀。
- It went all out for economic expansion abroad. 它拼命在国外进行经济扩张。
- Credit undergirded our economic expansion. 信用过去加强了我们经济的扩张。
- Post-war: the post-war period of economic expansion. 二战后的经济发展期。
- Terminus this economic expansion time soon arrives obviously. 这个经济扩张期显然即将走到尽头。
- economic expansion incentives 经济扩张动力
- Greespan said that Energy Price is dragging the global economic expansion. 格林斯潘认为,能源价格正在拖累全球经济的发展。
- Every prior economic expansion since World War II has lifted all boats even the recovery in the sickly 70's. 自从二次世界大战以来,以前每次经济复苏,即令在颇不景气的70年代复原以后,都能使所有人受惠。
- The Great Depression brought an end to a long era of economic expansion and social progress since the 1890's. 大萧条结束了起始于十九世纪九十年代的长期经济扩张与社会进步。
- It ordered officials to prepare for worse to come as global warming and economic expansion drained lakes and rivers. 随着全球变暖和经济扩张致使湖泊、河流干枯,政府命令官员们做好最坏的打算。
- Cheap energy, specifically cheap oil, quite literally fueled this record economic expansion. 廉价的能源,特别是廉价的石油,确实促成了空前的经济高涨。
- And to use information technology to retain our competitive edge and to drive overall economic expansion. 并采用资讯科技保持香港的竞争优势以及推动整体经济发展。
- Economic expansion must be sustainable, so that a large number of people benefit from it. 经济增长应该是持续性的,这样大多数人才能得益。
- Rapid economic expansion transformed Hong Kong from a small port to a major city. 经济的飞速发展使香港从一个小港口变成了一个大城市。
- Although the government delays fundamental banking reform, economic expansion did not wait. 但经济的增长并没有因为政府迟迟不对银行业进行彻底改革而停滞。
- Similarly, China's economic expansion overseas has given rise to charges of expansionist or mercantilist aims. 文章说,中国近几十年的快速发展,使得西方很难理解一个快速变化的中国形象。
- Meanwhile, Japan's longest period of continuous economic expansion since the war had stuttered to a halt (see article). 与此同时,日本自二战以来最长时期的不间断经济增长也陷于停滞。