- We believe that the developed countries should shoulder the responsibility to push forward world economic development, eliminate trade barriers, increase development aid. 我们认为,发达国家应承担起推动世界经济增长的责任,消除贸易壁垒,增加发展援助。
- In our opinion, the developed countries should shoulder the responsibility to motivate world economic development, eliminate trade barriers, increase development aid. 我们认为,发达国家应承担起推动世界经济增长的责任,消除贸易壁垒,增加发展援助。
- Pollution Transfer" has become the main way in developed countries to deal with the waste and greatly cumber the economic development in import countries. “污染转移”已经成为发达国家处理各种有害废物的重要途径并严重阻碍了输入国的经济发展。
- The major indexes of people's medical care and health have already far outstripped countries at the same level of economic development,and the gap with the developed countries is being gradually narrowed. 人民在卫生和健康方面的一些主要指标已经大大领先于同等经济发展水平的国家,正在逐步缩小与发达国家的差距。
- Support has flowed from China for efforts by developing countries to foster women's participation in economic development. 中国一贯支持发展中国家为促进妇女参与经济发展所作的努力。
- Protection of the environment is a common task for mankind,but the economically developed countries should take more responsibility in this respect. 保护环境是全人类的共同任务,但是经济发达国家负有更大的责任。
- And Euramerican wait for economic developed country, integral hutch of the dweller is defended have rate is adjacent 100 % . 而欧美等经济发达国家,居民的整体厨卫拥有率接近100%25。
- At present, dollarization has become a policy option for the economic development of the developing countries and the countries in transition. 摘要当今世界,美元化成为一些发展中国家和转轨国家谋求经济发展的一种政策选择。
- The result is that China's tea industry is far less industrialised than in less economically developed countries such as Kenya or India. 结果,中国茶叶行业的工业化程度远低于肯尼亚和印度等经济发达程度较低的国家。
- Since the21 st century, high-tech industry has turned out to be an impetus behind global economic development and a commanding height for which major developed countries are scrambling. 进入21世纪后,随着知识经济的发展,高技术产业已成为国际经济发展的动力和大国争夺的战略制高点,成为推动经济全球化的重要基础。
- For developing countries and those still highly dependent on agriculture, improving rice production reduces poverty and hunger and promotes food security and economic development. 对于发展中的国家和那些仍然高度依赖农业的国家,提高稻米生产力可减少贫穷,饥饿而且促进食物安全和经济上的发展。
- With the rapid development of science and technology and the accelerated globalization process, disruptive technology innovation has become the main power to push the continuous economic development worldwide, especially in the developed countries. 摘要随着科学技术的飞速发展和全球一体化进程的加快,突破性技术创新已成为世界各国,尤其是发达国家经济持续增涨的主要动力。
- China experienced the dilemma in which the environment deteriorates with the economic development before economy reaches the medium developed standard, as most developed countries have done. 摘要我国如多数发达国家一样正经历“在经济发展达到中等发达水平之前环境随经济发展而恶化”的困境。
- Reviewing the economic development course of the western developed countries, it can be found that business merger (BM) has always been existing and playing an important role in it. 纵观西方发达国家的经济发展历程,企业兼并始终贯穿其中,并扮演了极其重要的角色。
- France is one of the develop countries. 法国是发达国家之一。
- Most developed countries through out the world have already established urban search and rescue (USAR) teams.The establishment of USAR teams is a sign of high economic development level. 世界上多数发达国家很早就建立了城市搜索与救援队,它们是一个国家经济发展到一定水平的标志。
- But one must not overlook that given the unevenness of global economic development, any improper handling of this process will bring a negative impact on developing countries and small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). 但必须看到,在当前全球经济发展很不平衡的情况下,这个问题处理不好,也会给发展中国家和中小企业带来不利影响。
- But one must not overlook that given the unevenness of global economic development,any improper handling of this process will bring a negative impact on developing countries and small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). 但必须看到,在当前全球经济发展很不平衡的情况下,这个问题处理不好,也会给发展中国家和中小企业带来不利影响。
- It simply takes more than 100 years for a large, less economically developed country to catch up with the world leader in per capita income. 那就是,一个经济上欠发达的大国在人均收入方面要撵上世界一流国家的水平起码也要花费100多年时间。
- China,as a developing country,needs a peaceful international environment,so that it can concentrate efforts on economic development. 中国是一个发展中国家,需要一个和平的国际环境,以集中精力发展经济。