- earth covering materials 地表覆盖物
- He saw this solid green earth cover passing underneath for hours unbroken. 他看到这片郁郁葱葱的绿色地毯一连几小时在下面连绵不断。
- A covering material made of glass fibers in resins. 玻璃光纤树脂制成的覆盖材料。
- Good knowledge of mechanical aspects covering materials, trouble-shooting on and Manufacture. 良好的钣金加工及精密加工的知识。
- In the design of Leachate equalization basin covering technology is introduced and the HDPE antiseepage geomembrane are used as the covering materials. 在调节池设计上采用浮盖技术,并用高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)土工防渗膜作为浮盖材料,结合工程经验对填埋场渗沥液调节池大面积池面加盖的设计与施工进行阐述。
- A detail statement on the test of reducing the radon release rate with earth cover and the calculation is given espec... 特别是对滩面覆盖降氡的试验、计算方法都作了较详细的论述。
- Mucilloid (medium size) case-making fabric cover materials have cotton, silk, and so on. 用于制作精装书壳封面材料的织物有棉布、丝绸等。
- Pigskin Tough and durable book covering material made from the hide of a pig. 用猪的皮製成的结实和耐久的书皮材料。
- Projects will cover materials used in electronics, information, rare-earth metal, new energy, compound materials and high-capacity engineering plastics. 计划涉及应用于电子、信息、稀土金属、新能源、复合材料和高能量工程塑料的材料。
- As a comparative approach to pilgrimages, this course will cover materials such as myths, legends, architecture, texts, and reports of pilgrim's journey. 本科以比较研究的方法,研读各宗教朝圣传统的神话、传说、圣典及朝圣者的报告。
- A bed of earth covered with glass and heated by rotting manure to promote the growth of plants. 有透明物覆盖的土层,通过发酵肥料加热,用于促进植物生长。
- Her father - an amputee - took me to see her grave - a simple mound of earth covered with acacia thorn. 她的父亲--一个截过肢的男人--带我去看她的坟墓--一个简单的土丘,上面盖着金合欢。
- Full-bound Binding style in which the case covering materials is one piece of the same material, such as cloth or leather. Also called Whole bound. See Bound book. 手造精装书籍的一种款式,整个包封用同一材料如布或皮。参阅手精装。
- It gives the earth covered with a layer of silver-white tulle, and earth, all enveloped in the glory of this mystery. 它给大地铺上了一层银白色的薄纱,大地的一切都笼罩在这神秘的光辉中。
- The earth covered over this race, but they still exist as holy spirits who wander over the earth. 地球覆灭了这种人类,但他们仍是地球上空游荡的圣灵。
- In all types of soil, lateritic red earth covered over 70%of the total area, ranking first. 水稻土有较长耕作历史,并已形成了潜育层和潴育层,但土壤肥力并不高。
- The results of the study showed that it was advisabled that the red mud insteaded clunch to be covering material. 试验结果表明:处理后的赤泥和脱附液赤泥在垃圾填埋场做覆盖层代替粘土是可行的。
- Anti weed nonwoven is a kind of covering material applied in agriculture with anti weed and heat preservation function. 含除草剂非织造布兼有防草和保温作用,是一种用于农业生产的浮面覆盖材料。
- Ancient times, Hedong on earth covered with large tracts of forest, the forest has long various plants, animals always come and go between in the jungle. 远古时期,河东大地上长满了大片的森林,森林中又长着各种各样的植物,野兽时时出没在丛林之间。
- It is necessary and feasible to research and develop antiradar camouflage covering material for ground targets with simple techniques and low cost. 以简单的工艺、较低的成本研制和发展地面目标反雷达伪装覆盖材料是必要与可行的。