- Hans, how much do you earn one year? 汉斯,你一年挣多少钱?
- Earn one mechanical skill point. 加一点机械技能。
- He doesn't do enough to earn one's keep. 他工作做得不多,难以维持生计。
- The great secret of life is to learn to earn one's grub. 人生最大秘诀是学会糊口。
- He has an ambitious plan to earn one million in a year. 他有一个野心勃勃的计划。
- This drove me crazy in the first few months of SKW’s existence. 我五天前就写了这个广告了。这广告与你阅读的时间有关。
- The great secretof life is to learn to earn one's grub. 人生最大秘诀是学会糊口。
- Education means learning a few skills to earn one's keep. 受教育意味着学会一些维持生活的技能。
- Without having received an education one can earn one's living all the same. 一个人尽管没有文化,照样能谋生。
- Science is a wonderful thing if one does not have to earn one's living at it. 科学是好东西,只要它不跟任何人的饭碗挂钩就行。
- The Werewolf is killed, but reverts to it?s human form, and the townspeople are able to deny it?s existence. 直到月圆之夜,大卫身体出现巨大变化,成为全身毛茸茸的狼人上街杀人。
- And, the article contends the evidence-contract’s existence is not Utopia and has its basis. 并且,本文认为证据契约并非乌托邦事物,而有其存在的理论基础。
- Dislike the work by which one earns one's living. 和自己的生计过不去。
- Human being is entering the era of dialogue and it gradually becomes the fettle of people’s existence. 人类正步入对话的时代,对话逐渐成为人们的生存状态。
- One cent was saved means earned one cent. 节约一分钱等于挣一分钱!
- We begin with the analysis to the way and specialty and value of individual’s existence in the Bauman’s thought. 在此基础上,我们揭开鲍曼思想的复杂源流,发现葛兰西、齐美尔和阿伦特等人的思想是他诉求于勒维纳斯它者哲学的关键。
- Academics in their ivory towers have no idea what it is like to earn one's living in industry or commerce. 生活在象牙塔中的学者们不知道如何在工业和商业中谋生。
- The package was designed to run on Heinz’s existing line. 这套旨在运行于海因茨的现有生产线。
- Mazarine"s existence only reached the public in 1994 when Paris-Match magazine published a photograph of the two leaving a restaurant. 直到1994年,巴黎一家杂志刊登了密特朗和玛莎妮离开餐厅的照片,玛莎妮的私生女身份才被曝光。