- Farther more, many pathogens are actually carried from the hatchery, and during the transporting, the fish are injury and stress at this early stage of cultivation could come across the serious loss. 这与存在海域中的病原菌、环境温度适合病菌生长和宿主本身之抵抗力三者,有相互关联影响,故呈现在疫情上。
- earliest stages of cultivation 初期栽培阶段
- We are seeing the early stages of this. 我们正在这看见早的阶段。
- One that is at a low or early stage of development. 初期发展处于低级或早期发展阶段的事物
- In an early stage of development; new. 早期的处于发展初级阶段的;新的
- In early stages of design, pretend the interface is magic. 在设计的早期阶段,假设界面有魔术效应。
- Early stages of development of a flower or plant growth. 花和植物生长的早期发育阶段。
- Belden reported the early stages of the Japanese invasion. 贝尔登报道了日本侵华战争初期的情况。
- NR2B preiously has been implicated in the early stages of learning. 早先NR2B就被认为与学习的早期阶段有关。
- In the other, spheroids form directly in the earliest stages of solidification. 另一个是在固化的最早阶段直接形成球状体。
- The marathon runner raced ahead in the early stages of the race but he had overplayed his hand and had to drop out exhausted with only three miles to go. 这位马拉松赛跑者在比赛的开始阶段跑在前面,但他过高地估计了自己的力量,结果在离终点仅3英里时,跑得筋疲力尽力而不得不退出比赛。
- The impacts of United Nations at the early stage of post-WWII. 联合国在战后初期的作用。
- Human fossils unearthed there are helping to reconstruct the earliest stages of human existence. 出土的人类化石有助于复原人类生活的最早期阶段。
- Sn precipitation happens in earlier stage of crystallizing. 结晶过程前期锡优先析出。
- From cultivation of causes to the fruition oh Buddhahood: Dedicate every virtuous root developed at the stage of cultivation to the fruition Buddhahood of all sentient beings. 四、回因向果:将因中所修的一切善根,回向成就一切菩提佛果,令一切众生同证菩提佛果。
- Occurring in or characteristic of an early stage of development or evolution. 原生的出现于某一发展或进化早期阶段的或具有其特征的
- In order to allow freedom of trade to operate naturally,the less advanced nations must first be raised by artificial measures to that stage of cultivation to which the English nation has been artificially elevated. 为了使自由贸易能够获得自然的推行,必须首先用人为方法,把那些比较落后的国家提高到曾经用人为方法使英国达到了的那个文化阶段。
- To find out, Ho and one of his team, Dr. Martin Markowitz, recruited two dozen men in the earliest stages of infection and placed them on combination therapy. 为了找出答案,何大一与他研究小组的成员马可维兹博士找来24位处于感染初期的男性,对他们施以鸡尾酒疗法。
- This racing is more apparent in the early stages of development. 在开发的早期阶段,这种急速跳动更为明显。
- The former winner lost his lead in the early stages of the race. 那位前获胜者在比赛一开始就失去了领先地位。