- The children were eagerly looking forward to the party. 孩子们热情地期待着晚会。
- The President's visit is eagerly looked forward to. 人们热切地盼望总统来访。
- The children were eagerly looking forward to Children's Day. 孩子们热切地盼望着儿童节的到来。
- Therefore, Korean children eagerly look forward to this day each year. 因此,韩国儿童整年都在期待这个日子的来临。
- I am eagerly looking forward to meeting my good friends. 我急切地盼望见到我的好朋友们。
- I'm eagerly looking forward to meeting my good friends. 我急切地盼望见到我的好朋友们。
- We are eagerly looking forward to welcoming all of you soon. 我们热切盼望欢迎你们不久将来的到来。
- Grandmother and I enjoyed your letter very much; we are eagerly looking forward to your next communication. 祖母和我都很喜欢你的来信,我们急切地盼望你再给我们来信。
- Do you look forward to witnessing it eagerly? 你是否非常期待能够看到日食?
- We look forward to the return of spring. 我们期待着春天的到来。
- The girl eagerly looked forward to her father taking her to go traveling, which he had promised. 女孩眼巴巴地盼望父亲带她去旅行,那是他答应过的。
- We are all eagerly looking forward to the forthcoming Olympics as it has never been held in our country. 我们都很激动盼望奥运会的到来,因为奥运会还从来没有在我们国家举办过。
- "We are eagerly looking forward to expanding resettlement," she said, "to the degree that we can resolve some of these difficulties. “我们非常期盼能够扩大难民安置的范围,”她说,“达到可以在一定程度上缓解困境的程度。
- I look forward to being alone in the house. 我盼望着能自己一人待在这所房子里。
- eagerly look forward to; wait impatiently for 急切地盼望
- crane one's neck to see; eagerly look forward to 引领而望
- We should look forward to the futurity. 我们应该展望未来。
- We look forward to an early reply. 我们期望早日得到答覆。
- While I’ve been writing these devotions, my wife and I have been eagerly looking forward to joining our daughter and her husband as they go and pick up their adopted daughter in Korea. 在我撰写这些灵修篇章期间,内子和我都热切期待与我们的女儿和女婿一同起程,把他们在韩国收养的女儿接回家。
- I look forward to mealtime with anticipation. 我以期待的心情等待用饭的时间到来。