- The E commerce models of digital library to information users include subscription based sales model,pay per view model,online compliment model and pre paid model. 数字图书馆对信息用户的电子商务模式主要有网上订购、付费浏览、网上赠予以及预付模式。
- Adam D Thierer. E commerce A Taxing issue[J].Heritage views,2004,(4):18-20. 孙宝文.;电子商务税收征管系统建设构想[J]
- Can others guess the password of my digital certificate? 他人可以猜中我电子核证证书的密码吗?
- Gets the number of bits in the digital certificate key size. 获取数字证书密钥大小的位数。
- There are two ways you can obtain a digital certificate for a user. 有两种方法可以获取用户的数字证书。
- Each type of digital certificate has advantages and disadvantages. 每种类型的数字证书都有它的优点和缺点。
- You get a digital certificate from a certificate-issuing authority. 您将从证书颁发机构获得一个数字证书。
- Pete wilson,the governor,buy a mickey mouse toy for his secretary's new baby through e commerce. 皮特。威尔逊州长通过电子商务邮件给他秘书刚出生的宝贝买了一个米老鼠玩具。
- Another security requirement is a digital certificate. 另一个安全要求是数字证书。
- With the popularity of Internet and the development of IT, E commerce is now in the ascendant. 随着互联网的普及以及信息技术的不断发展 ,电子商务的热潮方兴未艾。
- After reshipment, icbc can't use a digital certificate. 重装系统后;工行数字证书就不能使用了.;?
- The evidence problems arising from E commerce consist of two aspects:first,admissibility of data message,second,the evidential weight of data message. 电子商务所引起的证据效力的问题主要包括两方面 ,第一方面是计算机所储存的数据或数据讯息能否在诉讼中被法院采纳为证据即证据可采纳性问题 ,第二个方面是数据的证据价值或证据力的问题。
- The SET protocol based on the technology of public key and digital certificate of PKI, guarantees the authentication and facticity, confidentiality, integrity, non -repudiation of E -commerce information. 基于PKI的SET协议,通过使用PKI的公用密钥技术和数字证书,保证了电子商务中认证和信息的真实性、保密性、完整性和不可否认性。
- E commerce, as a new mode of commercial activity operating mainly by means of EDI and internet will substantially change approaches in commercial trade. 电子商务是一种以电子数据交换 (EDI)和因特网上交易为主要内容的新型商务运作方式 ,是对传统贸易方式的一次重大变革。
- The password used for signing a manifest with a digital certificate. 使用数字证书对清单进行签名时所用的密码。
- A digital certificate is used to verify the identity of the public key holder. 数码证书是用以确认该公开密码匙的真正持有人的身分。
- Your ISP should also have a digital certificate for the server that you use. 您的ISP还应该为您使用的服务器提供一个数字证书。
- However the digital Certificate that identifies this site has expired. 但是,用于标识此网站的数字化证书已经过期。
- User can use digital certificate to execute data encryption on messages. 在保存或邮寄文档时,用户可以使用数字证书 (对于邮寄文档应该为接收者的数字证书) 对文档实施加密操作。
- We will also drive the issue of mobile digital certificates to support the conduct of secure mobile commerce. 我们并会致力发出流动数码证书,支援进行稳妥可靠的流动商务。