- For 2 or 3 months, dyspnea and dizziness on work. 3个月来,一做工就感觉呼吸困难和眩晕。
- Airway obstruction, dyspnea and relapsing infection were relieved. 结果47例(95.;9%25)患者解除了气道阻塞,呼吸困难缓解,反复感染消除。
- The early clinical symptoms included: cough ,expectoration, hemoptysis ,chest pain ,dyspnea and fever,etc. 治疗上以手术为主,术前采用化疗或以化疗为主的综合治疗。
- Results:These 2 cases all had cough, progressive dyspnea and hypoxemia. 结果:2例都表现为咳嗽、进行性加剧的气急和低氧血症。
- The symptoms of SARS are high fever, dry cough, dyspnea and diarrhea. 非典型性肺炎的四大症状是高热,干咳,呼吸困难和腹泻。
- Conclusion OIV has antitussive and expectorant function. 结论木蝴蝶具有镇咳和祛痰作用。
- Clinical manifestations include fever(65%), cough(92.5%) and expectoration(80%). The chest X_ray revealed infiltration in lower lobes of both lungs. 临床表现为发热 (65%25 )、咳嗽 (92.;5%25 )、咳痰 (80%25 );胸部X线多表现为双下肺淡薄斑片状阴影;药敏监测表明该菌广泛耐药;尤其是产ESBLs株。
- The next morning the patient became extremely dyspneic and weak. 第2天早晨,病人呼吸变为非常困难和衰弱。
- Methods:During the device,the instrument stored two kinds of program protocols to produce two groups of currenon training(RET) and expectoration. 方法:仪器以单片计算机处理系统作为主机并存储两类程序。
- Pungent and cool in nature, it has the function of dispersing the lung, relieving dyspnea and cough. 汉晋以降,临床家均以“汗出而喘,无大热”作为临床运用是方的重要指征,但对“无大热”之理解,诸家聚讼不休,莫衷一是。
- Method:Routine antitussive,antiasthmatic and expectorant methods were used. 方法 :采用常规镇咳、平喘、祛痰的试验方法。
- The early clinical performances of NPH were the suddenly aggravation of dyspnea and the increasing of moist sounds. 肺出血早期临床表现为在原发疾病基础上突然出现呼吸困难加重,肺部出现湿啰音或湿啰音明显增加;
- Respiratory mainly proGREssive dyspnea and cyanosis, leading to respiratory failure and death. 呼吸系统主要表现为进行性呼吸困难和紫绀,最终导致呼吸衰竭而死亡。
- This 2-year-old child with anasarca,including massie ascites, and dyspnea and cough was referred with the proisional impression of kwashiorkor. 2岁全身性水肿患儿,重度腹水,呼吸急促伴咳嗽,初步印象为恶性营养不良症。
- The drug is used to relieves symptoms induced by common cold or epidemic influenza like pharynx mucosa congestion of pars nasalis pharyngis,nasal obstruction,cough and expectoration. 用于减轻由普通感冒或流感引起的鼻咽部黏膜充血、鼻塞、咳嗽、咳痰等。
- Besides acute dyspnea and X-ray appearance PaO_2/FiO_2,a/APO_2 and P(A-a)O_2 should also be tested for early diagnosis of neurogenic pulmonary edema. 对颅脑损伤后NPE的早期诊断除依据急性呼吸困难和X线胸片外,还应着重根据PaO_2/FiO_2、a/APO_2、P(A-a)O_2等指标的变化情况判断是否发生神经源性肺水肿,并可将其作为判断病情的参考指标。
- ABG values may demonstrate a normal partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood (PaCO2) despite severe dyspnea and hypoxemia. 尽管呼吸困难、低氧血症严重,ABG动脉血二氧经碳分压仍可显示正常。
- We report a rare case of a26- year-old primigravida at34 weeks' gestation complicated with malignant lymphoma presenting as severe dyspnea and orthopnea. 我们报告一个罕见病例,26岁初产妇于怀孕34周并发恶性林巴瘤以严重呼吸困难及端坐呼吸为表现。
- The stryker frame, vibrator and expectorant were also used to facilitate expectoration. 使用化痰药,并定时翻身叩背、振动排痰;
- I hit him fair and square on the jaw. 我不偏不倚打中他的下巴。