- dyspeptic erysipelas 伤食发丹, 滞热丹毒, 食滞丹毒
- How is swine erysipelas treated? 猪丹毒怎么治疗?
- Child coating on the tongue is hoar, be dyspeptic? 孩子舌苔发白,是消化不良吗?
- Swine erysipelas, lung plague, paratyphoid. 猪丹毒,猪肺疫,副伤寒。
- See the pictures, read the pictures until you get dyspeptic. 看图、读图,直到看得你消化不良。
- Turkey Erysipelas is caused by Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae. 火鸡丹毒是由红斑丹毒丝菌引起的一种火鸡的传染病。
- Some of the best material here is Beckett's dyspeptic book talk. 此卷最好看的地方是贝克特对某些书的恶评。
- This dose of medicine will eradicate your erysipelas. 这副药可以消除你的流火。
- The erysipelas organism is quite resistant to salting, pickling, and smoking. 猪丹毒杆菌对盐腌,酸浸,烟熏很有抵抗力。
- There was no history of lymphangeitis, lymph node enlargement or erysipelas. 从无淋巴管炎、淋巴结肿大及丹毒史。
- Got erysipelas how to be treated, what should notice at ordinary times? 得了丹毒怎么治疗,平时要注意什么?
- Knowing when to give endoscopy to a primary dyspeptic patient is a difficult decision for any gastroenterologist. 摘要判定消化不良患者,何者须施行内视镜检查,一直困扰著胃肠科医师;
- Although Britons usually take a dyspeptic view of their representatives, there is a different, bloodier mood now. 尽管英国人对他们的代议制一直颇有微词,但现在心态已不同,多了许多火药味。
- This kind of undesirable lifestyle causes function of dyspeptic, airframe extremely easily to wait for disease mussily. 这种不良生活方式极易引起消化不良、机体功能紊乱等病症。
- Wait to also have very good effect to arm sweeny, heart disease, dyspeptic, haemorrhoid. 对于手臂肌肉萎缩、心脏病、消化不良、痔疮等也有很好的效果。
- With simultaneous salmon ella or swine erysipelas infection, the spleen may be enlarged and dark. 由于同时感染沙门氏菌病或猪丹毒,脾脏可能增大和发黑。
- In addition, iced watermelon still can injure taste, cause the disease such as dyspeptic, anorexia. 此外,冰镇西瓜还会损伤脾胃,导致消化不良、食欲减退等病症。
- Bacterial afterwards can be caused to send infection and lymphatic after the skin is broken phlogistic, erysipelas. 皮肤破后可引起细菌继发感染及淋巴管炎、丹毒等。
- Dyspeptic travel commentators, though, have increasingly fewer reasons to kick around the globe-trotting Japanese. 然而旅游评论员越来越没有理由挑剔到全球各地旅行的日本游客了。
- Dyspeptic, giddy, manual not good, still have a lot of problem, very irritated ah 1 who helps me solve A? 消化不良,头晕,体力不济,还有好多问题啊,好烦啊1谁帮我解决阿?