- Dynamic strength was measured with the subtest 4 of the BOTMP. 此外,使用BOTMP中之第四次测验以测量动态肌肉力量。
- A rational definition of dynamic strength is given for static load superposed on dynamic load. 针对动静叠加的加载方式,给出一种合理的动强度的表示方法。
- This paper presents material properties outlining the results of the machinability trials as well as static and dynamic strength tests. 除要求强度外,为了对发动机体组合件能够有效地进行镗孔,材料的切削性能还必须和铝合金相一致。
- A dynamic module damage model was built to predict the dynamic strength and maximum dynamic module of the silty clay after every freeze thaw cycle. 建立了动模量损失模型,能够预测每一次冻融循环后的动强度和最大动模量。
- Utilizing the finite element method, the dynamic strength and static strength of transformer HV winding under short-circuit force are calculated. 对短路电动力作用下的变压器高压绕组,应用有限单元法分别进行了动态强度计算和静态强度计算。
- This paper introduced the dynamic strength calculation of 2ZKx1760 line vibrating screen with finite element method,the result is identical with the fact. 介绍了 2ZKx1 760型直线振动筛的动强度有限元计算 ,结果与现场实际情况基本吻合。
- Dynamic strength and stiffness, vibration by impact, dynamic stability of howitzer structure can be further investigated by using the approach of this paper. 利用该文方法可以进一步研究火炮发射时的动态刚强度、冲击振动、结构动态稳定性等问题。
- The false twsiter navel has false twsiting effect favoring the dynamic strength,lowering the yarn breakage for a smooth production,yet disfavoring yanr strength. 转杯转速与直径的配置是关键,速度、直径和凝聚槽形状直接影响成纱质量。
- The silt distributing abroad in Hangzhou bay was chosen as research object to evaluate the effect of vibration frequency on dynamic strain and dynamic strength of silt. 试验选用杭州湾地区分布较广的粉土,研究了振动频率的变化对粉土动应变和动强度的影响。
- This will give you discrimination, which will give dynamic strength to the mind.It will be your most effective weapon to seal the lower promptings of the mind. 它赐予给更强的辨别力,从而使你的头脑更有活力,它将使你拥有最有效的武器去封杀低一层次的想法。
- On the basis of the results obtained from comparison teats of fly ash soils and silty clay on dynamic strength under freeze thaw cycles, the dynamic strength was quantitatively analyzed. 摘要根据粉煤灰土和粉质黏土经过冻融循环后动强度的对比试验,对粉煤灰土和粉质黏土的动强度做出了定量分析。
- On the assumption that the micro fracture toughness of concrete does not vary with strain rate, the static and dynamic strength of concrete under different confinements can be calculated. 在假定混凝土的断裂韧度不随加载速率变化的前提下,分析和计算了不同围压荷载下的混凝土静动力强度,并与试验结果进行比较。
- The result shows that radial pressure obviously effect the dynamic strength and modulus, it is also big that the change of dynamic strength and modulus under different consolidation stress ratio. 试验结果表明,围压是动强度提高的重要影响因素,固结应力比不同的条件下,动强度及动模量变化也较大。
- In order to solve those problems such as dynamic strength of structures,ballistic stability of penetrators and impact resistance of elements, the ballistic tests and theoretical analyses are needed. 为了解决结构动强度、穿星器弹道稳定性和器件耐撞性等难点,人们需要进行弹道试验和理论分析。
- The dynamic strength of rod string and the mount position of centralizer were calculated,according to the acquired deformation of rod string and its impact contact force with tube in the time domain. 根据求得的时域内抽油杆柱受力变形值以及与油管柱碰撞接触力,计算了抽油杆柱动强度和扶正器安放位置。
- It shows dynamic strength of MSW are concerned to equivalent cyclic number and selection of failure strain.The results can provide references to aseismatic design of landfill in the future. 结果表明,MSW的动强度指标与等效振次和破坏应变的选取有关,这为今后垃圾填埋场的抗震设计提供了依据。
- The temperature rise in the porous liner is much higher, which is helpful to decrease jet viscosity and dynamic strength and increase the stretching ability at low standoff distance. 铜粉末药型罩比紫铜药型罩具有更高的冲击温升,使高速段的射流的粘性和动态屈服强度降低,提高了射流的延伸能力。
- We are looking for dynamic persons to be salesmen. 我们正在寻找充满活力的销售人员。
- Research of Dynamic Strength of Cotton Yarn 棉纱动态强力的研究
- To study the dynamic strengths of municipal solid waste(MSW),the dynamic triaxial tests on artificial MSW samples were performed by using moderate-scale dynamic triaxial apparatus. 通过人工配制城市固体废弃物试样,利用中型动三轴试验仪,进行城市固体废弃物的动强度试验。