- Dynamic SQL supports the operators listed in this section. 动态SQL支持本节中列出的运算符。
- DISTINCT column-name cannot be used from dynamic SQL. DISTINCT column-name不能在动态SQL中使用。
- The risk of SQL injection attacks is not the only reason to avoid dynamic SQL. SQL注入式攻击的风险并不是避免动态SQL的唯一理由。
- SET options that are set by a user within a dynamic SQL batch apply only for the duration of that batch. 动态SQL批处理内由用户设置的SET选项仅在该批处理的持续时间内有效。
- UltraLite applications can access table data using dynamic SQL or the Table API. UltraLite应用程序可以使用动态SQL或Table API访问表数据。
- When the stored strings are subsequently concatenated into a dynamic SQL command, the malicious code is executed. 在存储的字符串随后串连到一个动态SQL命令中时,将执行该恶意代码。
- This means that the ORM tool offers projections and classless querying, or dynamic SQL based on user input. ORM提供基于用户的输入构造动态sql,提供各种查询和投射。
- I don't think DynamicSQL was a good name, because you can apply dynamic SQL logic to the other methods too. 我不认为动态SQL是一个好名字,因为你也可以把动态 SQL逻辑应用于另一个方法中。
- You can use the built-in ORM engine to efficiently retrieve and update data in the database using dynamic SQL. 你可以用内置的ORM引擎通过动态生成的sql语句来对数据库中的数据进行有效的检索和更新。
- Dynamic SQL is a more general way of passing information to and from the database server using a structure known as the SQL Descriptor Area (SQLDA). 动态SQL是一种向数据库服务器和从数据库服务器中传递信息的更常用的方法,它使用被称为[SQL描述符区域](SQLDA)的结构。
- The code and tests you write against your data model classes can stay the same regardless of whether you use dynamic SQL or SPROCs. 不管你是用动态sql语句还是用存储过程,你针对数据模型类写的代码和测试用例可以是保持不变的。
- For further flexibility, dynamic SQL allows for changing this option within a plan or package by the SET CURRENT DEGREE statement, which controls the value in a special register. 为获得更大的灵活性,动态SQL允许通过SET CURRENT DEGREE语句在一个计划或包中更改这个选项,该语句可以控制专用寄存器中的值。
- It constructs dynamic SQL from Request parameters,Session attributes,Application attributers and parameter files,and outputs SQL result DTO. SQL Factory Enterprise Bean is efficient in programming. SQL处理工厂是一个黑匣子;以Request、Session、App lication以及参数文件作为输入内容;输出处理结果DTO.
- We are looking for dynamic persons to be salesmen. 我们正在寻找充满活力的销售人员。
- Referred to as a dynamic filter in previous versions of SQL Server. 在早期版本的SQL Server中称为动态筛选器。
- Named instances of SQL Server 2005 listen on dynamic ports. SQL Server 2005的命名实例侦听动态端口。
- This will be a dynamic column generated by the SQL Query formula. 该列将是一个由SQL查询公式生成的动态列。
- The Application of Dynamic SQL Statement Based on JDBC in the Mode of Browser/Server JDBC的动态SQL语句在浏览器/服务器模式中的应用
- Every dynamic system needs continuous readjustment. 每一动态系统都需要不断地再调整。
- The conflict process is a dynamic phenomenon. 冲突过程是一种动态现象。