- During the investigation of anti-dumping,the amount of dumping exchange duty is on the cost of subrogate country with the similar producing conditions to calcu... 政府应积极应对欧盟针对中国鞋日益扩大的反倾销,必须让欧盟认识到反倾销措施是一个负和博弈。
- dumping exchange duty 倾销税
- Just dump everything over there. 先把东西堆在那边。
- There is a refuse dump out of the town. 镇外有个垃圾场。
- An instance or the result of dumping stored data. 转出,转储转出内存数据的例子或结果
- Some people just dump their rubbish in the river. 有些人径直往河里倒垃圾。
- Do you accept foreign exchange certificate? 你们接受外汇券兑换券吗?
- This furniture is about ready for the dump. 这家俱破烂不堪快要送垃圾场了。
- Trading on the Stock Exchange was light today. 证券交易所今日交投平平。
- A dump truck was parked on the construction site. 建筑工地上停著一辆倾卸车。
- You'll be fined if you dump here. 在这儿倒垃圾要被罚款的。
- A soldier was wounded in the exchange. 一名士兵在交火中受伤。
- He gave me an apple in exchange of an orange. 他给我一个苹果,交换一个橙子。
- Each telephone served by a private branch exchange. 由专用小交换机提供服务的电话分机。
- By just exchange one for another giver. 就这样以心相许相与。
- The London Stock Exchange is in turmoil today. 今天伦敦证券市场一片混乱。
- Keep this exchange memo for reconversion into foreign currency. 保存好这张兑换水单以便兑换回外币。
- Is five apples for five eggs a fair exchange? 用五个苹果换五个鸡蛋公平吗?
- The New York stock exchange crashed in1929. 纽约股票交易所于一九二九年大崩溃。
- I'd like to exchange some pounds for dollars. 我想把一些英镑兑换成美金。