- dry type recording 干式记录
- The tinning process of dry type current transformer is Electroplate Technology. 传统干式电流互感器的镀锡工艺是采用槽镀镀锡技术。
- Application of fully dry type bag filter in No.8 BF of Changzhi Iron and Steel Co. 长钢8号高炉全干法除尘技术应用实践。
- For applications where any liquid, even a nonflammable one, is objectionable, the dry type transformer is used. 在液体甚至是不可燃液体不允许使用的场所,就采用干式变压器。
- The abnormal changes of motion perception may reveal preclinical damage of visual function damage in dry type AMD. 视锥细胞的视觉运动觉,是能够反映干性型AMD视功能损害的一个新的测试指标。
- Monochrome machine and as a result of a two-color machine is waterish dry type, so this problem does not exist. 单色机与双色机由于均属湿压潮典范榜样,不陈不活命这样的题目。
- The burn-out accident occurred several times in operation of dry type hollow shunt reactor. 干式空心并联电抗器在运行中曾发生多起烧损事故。
- What is called self-lubricating means no need for fuel filling (dry type) or less filling (foreign named DU, DX, 500#SP). 所谓自润滑是指无需加油(干式)或少加油(国外称DU,DX,500%23SP)。
- At present can carry on high class colorful box, Type record, bu gan jiao, poster, specification, calendar, colorful card, colorful box and so on all sorts of colorful an offset business. 目前可承接高档彩盒、型录、不干胶、海报、说明书、日历、彩卡、彩盒等各类彩盒平版印刷业务。
- Uses:Packing of high tension electrical equipment,expoxy pouring packing material,plastic pacing material,dry type transformer,high tension mutual inductance equipment,insulator. 产品用途:高压电器件的绝缘浇注料、环氧灌封料、塑封料、包封料、绝缘子、干式变压器、高压互感器、填料等。
- T he process,principle,control para meters,equipment ma-jor features and operating effects o f full dry type emission control system with combustion cham-ber are discussed. 讨论了带燃烧室全干式装煤除尘的过程、原理、控制参数、主要设备特征及运行效果。
- The test way and result of preparing superfine iron-oxide powder by means of dry type of model MYD300 superfine-pulverizer have been introduced in the paper. 介绍了采用MYD300型干式超细粉碎机生产超细三氧化二铁粉的工艺、试验方法和试验结果。
- indirect acting type recording voltmeter 间接作用式记录伏特计
- indirect acting type recording wattmeter 间接作用式记录瓦特计
- direct acting type recording ammeter 直接作用式记录安培计
- direct acting type recording voltmeter 直接作用式记录伏特计
- direct acting type recording wattmeter 直接作用式记录瓦特计
- The essay discusses and concludes the transportation process of dust collected by gravity precipitator and dry type deduster during ironmaking by means of pneumatic conveying through pipeline. 对利用管道气力输送原理和吸排车运输炼铁重力除尘和干法除尘灰的工艺进行讨论与总结。
- Cylinder block bore is fit with a dry type steel cylinder sleeve. Surface of bore of the cylinder sleeve is processed to superior pit platform textured structure for good wearability. 气缸体缸孔镶干式钢气缸套,缸套内孔表面加工成良好的深沟平台网纹结构,使其有很好的耐磨性。
- variable-density type recording system 变密度式录音制