- A few drops of rain landed on the roof. 几滴雨水落在了屋顶上。
- I felt one or two drops of rain on my face. 我感到有一两滴雨水落在我脸上。
- She felt drops of rain on her,upturned face. 她感到有雨点落在她仰着的脸上.
- The soft drops of rain pierce the hard marble. 绳可锯木断,水可滴石穿。
- Drops of rain fell on the window. 雨点落在窗子上。
- Not a blessed drop of rain throughout the month. 整整一个月没下一滴雨。
- Scarcely a drop of rain fell here last fall. 否定词修饰主语时,句子不用倒装。
- A drop of rain landed on my head. 一滴雨滴落在我头上。
- I believe for every drop of rain that falls, a flower grows. 我相信天上落下的每一滴雨水,是为了使花儿茁壮地成长。
- Who is the father of rain ? or who begot the drops of dew? 雨有父亲吗?谁生了露珠?
- Fancy that! We've gone three whole weeks without a drop of rain. 真想不到!我们走了整整3个星期,但一滴雨也没下。
- But ten days passed, and not a drop of rain came down. 但十天过去了,没有一滴雨降落下来。
- There was a loud crash of thunder and large drops of rain started falling. 当时雷声大作, 大滴大滴的雨点开始落下来。
- You're really too delicate, catching cold from just a few drops of rain. 你的身子也太娇气了,淋这么几滴雨就感冒。
- The drop of rain maketh a hold in the stone,not by violence;but by oft falling. 但是颜色为什么有时候不能编辑呢?我觉得老是用黑色的话会有点枯燥!
- The drop of rain makes a hole in the stone, not by violence, but by of falling. 雨滴穿石,不是靠蛮力,而是靠持之以恒。
- The sky was becoming darker still, then large heavy drops of rain began pitter-pattering on the ground. 天空更暗了,接着来的是豆大的的雨点,啪嗒啪嗒落在地上。
- A distant flash, a low rumble, and large drops of rain spattered on the thatch above him. 远远一道电光,一声低沉的雷声,大点的雨滴滴哒哒打到他头上的茅屋顶上。
- The sky was becoming darker still, and then large heavy drops of rain began pitter-pattering on the ground. 天空更暗了,接着来的一豆大的雨点,啪嗒啪嗒落在地上。
- The first drops of rain are huge.They splat into the dust and imprint the windows with individual signatures. 雨开始大滴大滴落下来,噼里噼啪摔进尘土里,在窗户上洒下点点印记。