- To dry with no wrinkles when hung dripping wet. 滴干后保持不起皱纹
- Her hair was still dripping wet. 她的头发仍然湿淋淋的。
- His clothes were still dripping wet. 他的衣服还是湿淋淋的。
- All the way tantivy, out of breath, run kubla khah dripping wet. 一路快跑,上气不接下气,跑得大汗淋漓。
- Made of a fabric that will not wrinkle when hung dripping wet for drying. 能滴干的由悬挂滴干后仍能保持不起皱纹的织物制成的
- A short, timid ring at the doorbell summoned her. Outside stood a little girl, dripping wet and shivering. 一阵短促怯懦的门铃声传来。她开了门,外面站着一个湿淋淋、浑身发抖的小女孩。
- Actaeon lies in wait for Diana, the Huntress hunted, to see her finally dripping wet at her bath, resting from hunt. 阿克铁龙躲藏在那里等待猎人女神戴安娜,为了观看她放下打猎工作最后湿淋地沐浴,女猎人成为被观看的猎物。
- After playing every time kubla khah dripping wet, does the heart think this is not fitness? 每次玩完以后都大汗淋漓,心想这不就是健身吗?”
- The degree with urticant Sao is differ, some are strange urticant clinking, scratch blood dripping wet after that fast. 瘙痒的程度不一,有些奇痒无比,搔得鲜血淋漓而后快。
- Londoner, dripping wet and carrying a soggy top hat, approached through the mist. 一个伦敦人,浑身滴着水,拿着一只滴水的帽子,在雾中走了过来。
- After about 26 minutes, through monitoring camera lens picture sees, he already was kubla khah dripping wet, whacked. 大约26分钟后,通过监视镜头画面看到,他已是大汗淋漓,疲惫不堪。
- Back of the nobleness conceal occult usually.Preexistence of the harmoniously dripping wet life blood to a certainty. 高尚的背后往往暗藏玄机。和谐的前身一定鲜血淋漓。
- A few minutes later, the Jedi Master emerged from a hereto unseen door shaking his hands which were dripping wet. 几分钟之后,那位年长的绝地大师出现在一道隐蔽的门前,一边甩着一双湿淋淋的手。
- But emotion this, too some pedant, biased poet dismemberment broken and dripping wet, Must make" sexual intercourse" of the pure" emotion" to explain . 然而就单这个情字,也被某些学究老爷,戴着性学眼镜的所谓诗人支解的破碎淋漓,非得把这个纯粹的“情”字往“性交”上解,还铮铮有词地疾呼“时代盼好诗,但好诗决非姑娘的月经,该来的时候终究会来。
- The key, he thought at last, dripping wet, must be to hold the wings still at high speeds - to flap up to fifty and then hold the wings still. 他身上湿漉漉的直淌水,最后终于领悟到,关键在于高速飞行时一定要让翅膀静止不动。
- The PK regale of so delighted dripping wet, does the mouse in letting you feel a hand change immediately as a sharp Tu Long knife? 如此痛快淋漓的PK盛宴,是不是让你感觉手中的鼠标马上就变身为一把锋利的屠龙刀?
- Look now this pair of manner, resemble the feeling when performance tableware is symphonic, carefree dripping wet, have breadth of spirit very much! 看看现在这副架势,有没有像在演奏餐具交响乐时的感觉,畅快淋漓,很有气魄!
- The much sweat of the upper part of the body such as the neck when some patients take food, very criterion kubla khah dripping wet. 有的病人进食时头颈等上身多汗,甚则大汗淋漓。
- Main symptom isMenstruationTime of increase of volume of periodic and disorder, classics, haemorrhage is lengthened, dripping wet ungodliness. 主要症状为月经周期紊乱、经量增多、出血时间延长、淋漓不净等。
- Thanks to his words, dripping wet I soared in the clouds all along the way back until we reached that apartment of his so big one can go crazy anywhere in it. 为了这句话,我一路上湿漉漉地飞翔,然后到了他那大得可以四处发疯的公寓。