- At Genappe, an effort was made to wheel about, to present a battle front, to draw up in line. 在热纳普,有人还企图回转去建立防线,去遏止,堵截。
- A taxi draw up in front of the house. 一辆出租汽车在房子前面停了下来。
- Our troops were drawn up in battle array. 我们的部队已严阵以待。
- We rarely give up in line or on the subway or bus. 无论是排队还是乘地铁或公共汽车,我们很少让位于他人。
- A truck drew up in front of the house. 一辆卡车在房子前停下来。
- When David reached the Israelite camp, he found the army drawn up in lines ready for battle. 当大卫到达以色列人的营地时,他发现军队排列好了正准备作战。
- We fell into line again with myself drawing up in the rear. 我们重又排成一行前进,我殿后。
- A taxi drew up in front of the hotel. 一辆出租车停在饭店前。
- The document was drawn up in triplicate. 该文件写成一式三份。
- The player blew up in lines on opening night. 这个演员第一夜上台就忘了台词。
- The soilders were drawn up in battle formation. 士兵形成战斗队形。
- The player blew up in lines on the opening night. 这个演员第一晚上台就忘了台词。
- They are drawn up in orderly ranks. 他们排成整齐的行列。
- A car drew up in front of the house. 一辆汽车在房子前面停了下来。
- The soldiers were drawn up in battle formation. 士兵们排成了战斗队形。
- draw up in line adj. 排成横队
- Form up in line! 大家排好!
- A red car drew up in front of the house, and a man got out of it. 一辆红色的轿车停在房前,有一个人下了车。
- Do you mind if I draw up the blinds? 我卷起窗帘你不反对吧?
- A red car drew up in front of the house,and a man got out of it. 一辆红色的轿车停在房前,有一个人下了车。