- dramatic monologue poetry 戏剧独白诗
- Then, conversation dwindles to the main entertainment, a dramatic monologue from Winston. 然后众人的高谈阔论逐渐变成温斯顿戏剧性的独白,这是压轴戏。
- Chapter Five reveals the indeterminacy of interpretation of Browning's dramatic monologue. 第五部分揭示了布朗宁戏剧性独白阐释的不确定性。
- To Browning, the dramatic monologue is an ingenious means to exploit his literary gift without getting too personal. 对布朗宁来说,戏剧独白是一种既能开发文才,又可与角色保持一定距离的灵活方式。
- Finally, this dissertation is rounded off with a brief introduction to the criticism of Browning’s dramatic monologue and its influence over the later generations. 结论部分则扼要概括批评界对勃朗宁诗歌的不同解读,并归纳勃朗宁的戏剧性独白对后人所产生的巨大影响。
- Charles, who recites dramatic monologues, sees that young pickpocket Libby also has a talent for dancing and adds her to his act. 丽比是个聪明的女孩,她加入了他们的行列,在人行道的表演得到人们的喜欢。
- The Speaker in the Dramatic Monologue--With Illustrations of the Poems of Tennyson, Browning and Eliot 戏剧独白诗中的说话人--以丁尼生、勃郎宁和艾略特的诗作为例
- In poetry the rose is often a metaphor for love. 玫瑰在诗中通常作为爱的象征。
- The inner unification and interrelation of monologue, ego and nature as well as the narration, personal ideas and the aesthetic taste are all the embodiment of prose styles, displaying the features of poetry, novel and dramatic literature. 自白、我、然在内核上是相互关联和统一的,又从语言特征、格理想和审美意识等人类文化的不同层面展示了散文的文体特点,显示了与诗歌、说、剧文学不同的文体特点。
- The book is a compendium of their poetry, religion and philosophy. 这本书是他们诗歌、宗教和哲学的概略。
- It's the music to heighten the dramatic effect. 那是用于提高戏剧效果的配乐。
- He writes dialogue by cut monologue in two. 他把独白切成两截来写对白。
- a dramatic monologue 戏剧独白
- dramatic monologue 戏剧独白
- A deep melancholy runs through her poetry. 她的诗中贯穿著悲伤的情调。
- Her opening words were dramatic. 她的开场白十分动听。
- Her poetry has an elegiac quality. 她的诗有伤感的情调。
- I spent all my spare time reading poetry. 我所有的业余时间都用在诗歌阅读上。
- Her poetry is full of obscure literary allusions. 他的诗里用了很多晦涩的文学典故。
- His poetry was published last year. 他的诗集去年发表了。