- Quit dragging your heels and hurry! 别磨蹭了,快点儿!
- If you can pass the exam, you'd kick up your heels. 你若能考试及格,你会欣喜若狂的。
- drag your heels vt. 拖着脚步(故意拖延)
- Stop drumming on the floor with your heels. 停止用你的鞋跟咚咚地踩踏地板。
- Drag your component onto your form. 将组件拖到窗体上。
- If you can pass the exam,you'd kick up your heels. 你若能考试及格,你会欣喜若狂的。
- What you do is drag your nets along the bottom. 你只需要沿着海底拖你的网。
- This is no time for sitting back on your heels! 你没有时间懒惰了。
- Do walk straight and do not drag your feet. 走路时要直行,不要拖着脚走。
- Don't let flies stick to your heels. [口]赶快,别磨蹭。
- Modification: Lift your heels up as you squat. 改良:抬起脚跟,在蹲下的时候。
- You don't need to drag your answering machine with you on the road. 你不需要外出上路时带着你的应答机器。
- Your heel seems to have healed very well. 你的足跟看来已经愈合得很好了。
- Beware of your heel of Achilles, my friend! 朋友,你要提防你那唯一的弱点啊!
- If you drag your toe when you serve, look for a durable toecap. 如果你发球时脚趾会拖地,你需要寻找鞋面脚趾部分结实的鞋。
- First of all, drag your artwork to the laptop....... 首先当然是将你的作品先输入电脑里啦......
- Drag your halter.You are a beast of burden in the team of hell! 挽你的重轭吧,你成了在地狱里拖车的载重牲口!
- Lift your heels as high as possible, one foot at a time. 脚跟尽量抬起,每次一只脚。
- In a blank area of your form, click and drag your mouse to draw the control. 在窗体的空白区域中,单击并拖动鼠标以绘制控件。
- Hot on Your Heels: Kill 50 enemies with your flamethrower, from behind. 热脚跟:从后方用火焰喷射器杀掉50个敌人。