- Type a bar code, and then press the DOWN ARROW key to move to the row below. 键入条码,然后按向下键移动到下一行。
- To see more ports, use the UP and DOWN Arrow keys. 要想看更多的端口,使用向上或向下光标键。
- Press one of the direction key(leave, right, up, or down arrow key) to move the pointer to the border you want to move. 按其中一个方向键(左,右,上,下箭头键)以把指针移动到你期望的边界。
- Press one of the direction key(leave,right,up,or down arrow key) to move the pointer to the border you want to move. 按其中一个方向键(左,右,上,下箭头键)以把指针移动到你期望的边界。
- Press the down arrow key several times to move the table down and expand the report height. 按数次向下键向下移动该表,并扩展报表高度。
- Press the down arrow key three times to create white space on the report page between the title box and the table. 按三次向下键以在报表页上的标题框和表之间创建空白区域。
- To view the description of the previous event or the next event, press the UP ARROW key or the DOWN ARROW key. 为了查看上一个或下一个事件的表述,按上箭头或下箭头键。
- Use the DOWN arrow key to move through the items in the Tool box, and select the Data Flow component. 使用向下键在工具箱的各项之间移动,并选择“数据流”组件。
- To view the different overloads, use the UP or DOWN arrow keys. 要查看不同的重载,请使用向上键或向下键。
- Use the UP ARROW key and the DOWN ARROW key to select the e-mail address you want, and then press ENTER. 您可以使用向上键和向下键来选择所需的电子邮件地址,然后按Enter。
- You can scroll through the text using the up and down arrow keys. 你可以利用上下箭头键来翻看(计算机屏幕上的)整个文本。
- Press one of the direction key(leave,right,up,or down arrow key)to move the pointer to the border you want to move. 按其中一个方向键(左,右,上,下箭头键)以把指针移动到你期望的边界。
- Either finish typing WriteLine yourself, or press the DOWN ARROW key until it is selected, and press ENTER, or TAB, or double-click it. 自行完成键入WriteLine或按向下键以选择它,然后按Enter或Tab或双击它。
- Press the DOWN ARROW key, press the RIGHT ARROW key, and then press TAB until you reach the Select Multiple Objects button, and then press ENTER. 按向下键,再按向右键,然后按Tab直到达到“选中多个对象”按钮,然后按Enter。
- Press the SHIFT key and hold it while you press the UP ARROW key or the DOWN ARROW key to select the additional elements that you want. 按住Shift键后按向上键或向下键选择所需的其他元素。
- Clicking the UP ARROW key moves the number toward the maximum; clicking the DOWN ARROW key moves the number toward the minimum. 单击向上键时,值向最大值方向移动;单击向下键时,值向最小值方向移动。
- Clicking the UP ARROW key moves the value toward its maximum; clicking the DOWN ARROW key moves the position toward the minimum. 单击向上键时,值沿最大值方向增加;单击向下键时,位置沿最小值方向移动。
- Controls: Press up and down arrow keys to select items in dropdown list. 控制:要选定下拉列表中的项目,请按上下箭头键。
- Press the DOWN ARROW key. 按向下键。
- Press the UP ARROW, DOWN ARROW, RIGHT ARROW, or LEFT ARROW keys to move the shape in the direction that you want. 按向上键、向下键、向右键或向左键,沿所需方向移动形状。