- Look, double yellow lines you mustn't park here. 喂,这是双黄线--不能在这儿停车。
- You can't park on a double yellow line. 有双黄线处不准停车。
- Taxis are easily hailed in the street, although they cannot pick up or drop off passengers in restricted areas marked with double yellow lines. 画有双黄线的街道是接载禁区,乘客不应在这些路段召车。
- Do not wait where there is a stopping restriction which prevents the driver from stopping to pick you up, for example where there are single or double yellow lines. 不要在不准上落客的禁区内候车,例如路边划有单黄或双黄的地方。
- double yellow lines(= two lines that mean you cannot park there at all) 禁止停车的双黄线
- double yellow lines 双黄线
- Yellow lines divide the field into sections. 几道黄线把场地分隔成几部分。
- What to do if there is no yellow line there? 排队有序,不越黄线。
- double yellow line 双黄线
- Double solid yellow lines show that passing is not allowed in either direction. You may not cross the lines unless you are making a left turn. 双实黄线意指不可超车。除左转以外不能穿越双实黄线。
- Officer Dolores Torres: [embarrassed] Stand behind the yellow line! 托勒斯:(尴尬的)站在黄线后面!
- Officer Dolores Torres: Stand behind the yellow line! 托勒斯:(尴尬的)站在黄线后面!
- Walk behind the Yellow Line only to go to other driving bays. 祇可使用黃線後通道前往其他發球道。
- What does a double solid yellow line in the center of the highway mean? What does a double solid white line in the center of the highway mean? 高速路中央的双实黄线是什么意思?高速路中央的双白实线是什么意思?
- Double yellow and white pansy. Medium green, plain, heart-shaped, pointed, serrated. Semiminiature. 重瓣黄色和白色的菫型花。中绿色平坦的心型尖状叶,锯齿叶缘。半迷你型。
- The train bound for XXX is arriving, please stand behind the yellow line. 开往xxx(名)向的列车将要进站,请您站在安全线以内候车。
- Where a solid yellow line is painted on your side of the center line. 当你所行的车道一侧中央是实黄线时。
- What does a solid yellow line to the right of the center of the highway mean? 高速路中央线右侧的实黄线是什么意思?
- Quick Fix provides a lightbulb and a wavy yellow line indicating improvements. 快速修复使用灯泡和黄色波浪线指示待改进处。
- You should have taken the Yellow Line bus. You can get one at the next stop. 不是。你该乘黄线车才是。到下一站你可以搭上。