- dorsal gland orifice 背腺孔
- During the follow up period, meibomian gland orifice obstruction, dry eyes, corneal abrasion with foreign body tract were noted. 在追踪期间,病人断断续续有程度不一的眼皮皮脂腺出口阻塞,乾眼及角膜擦伤的现象。
- filaments short, with a large subapical dorsal gland; 花丝短,具一大的近尖端的背侧的腺体;
- A mouse ran out from the dark orifice of the cave. 一只老鼠从黑暗的洞口跑出。
- Inflammation of the thyroid gland. 甲状腺炎甲状腺发炎
- An endless flow of word stream from the same orifice. 一连串滔滔不绝的话都是同一张嘴巴讲出来的。
- gland orifice 腺孔
- The shark's dorsal fin was cut off by the fisherman. 鲨鱼的背鳍被渔夫割了下来。
- An endless flow of words streamed from the same orifice. 一连串滔滔不绝的话都是同一张嘴巴讲出来的。
- Inflammation of the prostate gland. 前列腺炎前列腺的炎症
- dorsal gland 背腺
- Non-plugging bonnet and throttle orifice. 无堵塞阀帽和节流孔。
- Hormone secretion is controlled by the pituitary gland. 荷尔蒙的分泌是由垂体控制的。
- The tumor may prolapse through the orifice. 肿瘤可脱出幽门口。
- The valve shown has a pilot and a bleed orifice. 该阀具有控制孔和流出孔。
- The analogous dorsal region in other animals. 动物的背部其它动物相似的背部部位
- The pancreas is an elongated, whitish gland. 胰脏是一个细长形的白色腺体。
- Dorsal nucleus of glossopharyngeal n. 舌咽神经背核。
- Seminal orifice; external orifice of male urethra. 男性尿道口。
- The shark's dorsal fin was cut offby the fisherman. 鲨鱼的背鳍被渔夫割了下来。