- We wanted to inform you of a policy change to your domain service. 我们想通知你的是一项关于我们域名服务的政策改变。
- Requirement: This value is required to be unique among document flows for Web Service protocol. 要求:在Web服务协议的文档流中该值必须是唯一的。
- XML-RPC is a simple Web service protocol that takes the pain out of building middleware. XML-RPC是简单的Web服务协议,它用于构建中间件。
- The Service Accounts dialog box contains fields for the domain service accounts of the principal, mirror, and witness server instances. “服务帐户”对话框包含主体服务器实例、镜像服务器实例和见证服务器实例的域服务帐户字段。
- Active Directory Domain Services requires a primary token. Active Directory域服务要求主标记。
- Performs queries against Active Directory Domain Services. 对Active Directory执行查询。
- Applications that use the SOAP 1.1 Specification as the service protocol can use the SoapHeaderException to access SOAP faults. 使用SOAP 1.;1规范作为服务协议的应用程序可使用SoapHeaderException访问SOAP错误。
- Recently, there comes another kind of cross-platformed communication protocol?HBWSP (Hessian Binary Web Service Protocol). 当前,出现了另一种跨平台的通信协议HBWSP(Hessian Binary Web Service Protocol)。
- The tool adds the SPN for the computer name on which the instance of SQL Server 2005 is running under the Windows domain service user account located in Active Directory. 该工具可为计算机名称添加SPN,计算机上的SQL Server 2005实例是运行在Active Directory中的Windows域服务用户帐户下的。
- After analyzing the old time stamp protocol, which lacks reliable identification and trust, a novel time stamp service protocol based on certificate authority center is presented. 在对原有的时间戳协议缺乏可靠的身份认证和可信性分析后 ,提出了一种新的基于证书权威 (CA)中心的时间戳服务协议。
- The toolkit provides a simple transformation utility class that maps from a common service domain service interface invocation to different operations and message formats provided by the individual service instances. 工具箱中提供了一个简单的转换工具类,它可将通用服务域接口映射为不同服务实例所提供的不同操作和消息格式。
- After analyzing the PINT service protocol and the SIP/SDP protocol,with the implement of a CTD (Click to Dial) system, the PINT service protocol FSM and an object-oriented implement method are presented. 本文在分析了PINT业务协议以及SIP/SDP协议的基础上 ,结合点击拨号业务给出了PINT业务协议的有限状态机 ,并利用面向对象的方法实现了协议的主要功能
- This may be due to the method that was used to install Active Directory Domain Services. 原因可能出自安装Active Directory域服务时采用的方法。
- NET merged into include: COM + componet service, the Web developing framework, XML and OOD, the support to new Web service protocol (such as SOAP, WSDL and UDDI), and the idea taking Internet as the centre. NET中融合的元素包括:COM+组件服务、Web开发框架、XML和面向对象设计,对新的Web服务协议(如SOAP,WSDL和UDDI)的支持,以及以Internet为中心的理念。
- Expose domain services in such a way that a consumer believes that it interacts with a business function directly. 以消费者认为能直接与业务功能进行交互的方式公开域服务。
- DDNS, Dynamic Domain Services, is a way to keep a DNS hostname pointing at a dynamic IP address. 动态域名服务是一种把固定域名解析为动态IP的网络新技术。
- In this way, an application can keep track of any updates to Active Directory Domain Services that meet the criteria that is specified in the search. 使用这种方式,应用程序可以跟踪对满足搜索中指定条件的Active Directory域服务的任何更新。
- Internet Storage Name Service Protocol n. 网络存储名称服务协议;网络存储名称服务协议
- Terminal application service protocol 终端应用服务协议
- A 10% service charge is added on to the bill. 帐单上包括了百分之十的服务费。