- dollar pension entitlement 美元养恤金福利
- Pension plan benefits are vested when the employee retains the right to receive her or his pension entitlement even if she or he leaves the employer before retirement age. 退休金是指当职员留到一定的年龄为了收到他(她)合法退休金;就算他(她)退休年龄之前离职.
- Your contributions will affect your pension entitlements. 你缴纳的养老金分摊额将会影响你领取养老金的数额。
- All Back pension entitlements have been paid for the retired covered by the overall government plan. 补发拖欠的离退休人员统筹项目内的养老金
- Italy's previous big recession, in 1992-93, prompted a wave of reforms: privatisations, changes to pension entitlements, the creation of a competition authority and the demise of the scala mobile. 意大利前一次经济大衰退在1992到1993年,引发了一轮改革:私有化,养老金改革,建立竞争机构,废除流动关税。
- She gave the boys a dollar apiece. 她给孩子们每人一美元。
- He went to the post office to draw his pension. 他到邮局去取退休金了。
- I have a half dollar but no small coins. 我有一枚五角硬币但没有更小的硬币。
- He administer a large pension fund. 他管理一大笔养老金。
- These socks retail at 1 dollar a pair. 这些袜子零卖一美圆一双。
- We have no record of your entitlement to free travel. 我们没有让你免费旅行的凭据。
- He retired on a company pension. 他退休时得到公司的退休金。
- The pound rise in step with the dollar. 英镑与美元同步上升。
- The company pension scheme is non- contributory. 这个公司的退休基金计划是不缴纳费用。
- The shop have a turnover of500,000 dollar a week. 该店营业额为每周五十万元。
- For one week the price will be500 dollar. 住一星期租金是500美元。
- He's got nothing beyond his state pension. 除了国家发的养老金,他一无所有。
- Er, let me see, it's three dollar all together. 呃,主我想想看,那是总共3美元。
- She supplements her pension by taking in washing. 她在家里替人洗衣服以贴补养老金之不足。
- Give me200 dollar worth of french francs. 请给我200美元的法国法郎。