- Vera came to the party dressed up like a dog’s dinner in a punk outfit and with her hair dyed pink. 维拉穿着杂乱的衣装,头发染成桃红色的,打扮得很不整洁来参加聚会。
- dog s dinner n. 很不整洁的东西
- The children 's dinner be precede by games . 孩子们先玩游戏,然后吃饭。
- The dog' s fur bristled as it sensed danger. 那狗觉察到危险时; 毛都竖立起来了.
- The dog' s fur was clipped short for the show. 为参加狗展把狗的毛剪短了.
- Your dog' s a ferocious creature ! 你的狗真凶!
- His father 's bankruptcy led him a dog 's life. 他父亲的破产使他过上了困苦的日子。
- The boy banded the dog 's neck with a yellow string. 男孩把一条黄绳绑在狗脖子上。
- Seats are assigned for Golden Gavel Luncheon, the President’s Dinner Dance, and the international speech contest. 至于金槌奖午餐会、总会长之夜以及比赛会场的座位都是预先安排的。
- Nancy is now meeting with Chris Burton, Top Dog s advertising executive. 现在南西正与“高手设计”公司的广告执行长克里斯波顿会面。
- Dog’s barking, sexy voice of a woman, belching sound, farting and so on. 比如狗叫声、女人性感的声音、打嗝声,放屁声等等。
- Don’t forget to bring outfits for different occasions, for example, the President’s Dinner Dance is a formal dinner and the Golden Gavel Luncheon is business formal. 为因应不同场合,不要忘记带不同服装应变,例如,总会长之夜是正式场合,而金槌奖午餐会则是商业性质的场合。
- Three things are not to be trusted - a cow 's horn, a dog 's tooth, and a horse 's hoof . 三件东西难信赖:牛角、犬牙和马蹄。
- When the dog’s attention drifted, Murgo tried to keep him involved, asking: “What do you think, Ross? 当狗的注意力分散时,姆格会问:“你觉得如何,罗斯?”以保持罗斯注意力的集中。
- For the stray dog’s well-being, the hypnotic effect of chloral hydrate was utilized to catch them. 由于时代潮流与动物保护法之通过,致使流浪犬捕捉之问题成为现今社会注目之焦点。
- Just take a gander at Beth Larocca’s English bulldog, and you’ll understand the dog’s name. 只要看一下贝丝的英国牛头犬,你就会理解狗的名字。
- I suspect that owner will be more careful about removing his dog’s collar when crating it in the future. . 感激地,与手术(和一张重的票据为所有者),狗没有生存并且有长期不良后果从他异常的饮食选择。
- If taken constantly, it canhelpyour dog form healthy teeth, and prevent halitosis and overweighting,and make your dog’s fur bright and shining. 经常食用,有益于育成宠物健康牙齿,预防口臭,防止过度肥胖,亮 泽皮毛,便顺畅。新鲜香蕉可补充每天所需要的多种营养成分,营养均衡。
- The riddle of a dog‘s oestrum is a very special scenery,especially those who has a female dog in the family,it is really a wonder. 狗的反群之迷的确是狗的最独特的风景线,特别是家里有小母狗的朋友,那可真是一大奇观了。
- As the tears drip down into the dog’s face, the dog licks her nose, spreading the tear fluid over the nose, which wets it. 当泪水流到狗脸上,狗会舔鼻子,把泪水弄得鼻上到处都是,就把鼻子弄湿了。