- do away with old customs and introduce new ones 破旧俗,立新风
- We must do away with superstition[these old customs]. 我们必须破除迷信[这些旧习俗]。
- do away with old customs 破除旧风俗
- I want them to do away with this feudal custom. 我希望他们废除这一封建陋俗。
- Do I have to do away with my habit? 我是不是得改掉我的习惯?
- We're going to do away with the old shed. 我们准备清理掉这旧棚子。
- It is time to do away withthese old customs. 该是废除这些老习惯的时候了。
- They decided to do away with the rule. 他们决定废除这条规则。
- We must do away with the old thinking. 我们必须丢掉旧思想。
- You should do away with such evil customs. 你必须改掉那种恶习。
- The city has decided to do away with overhead wires. 那个城市决定取消架在空中的电线指将把电线埋入地下。
- I want them to do away with this barbarous custom. 我希望他们废除这种野蛮的习俗。
- We decided to do away with our old cooker and buy a new one. 我们决定扔掉旧的厨灶,买一个新的。
- He was done away with by his partner. 他被他的同伙杀死。
- The government did away with free school meals. 政府废除了学校免费提供膳食的做法。
- He wanted them to do away with this barbarous custom. 他要他们废除这野蛮的习俗。
- It's difficult for old people to do away with their old ideas. 要老人们根除他们的老观念是很难的。
- The factory decided to do away with the old machinery. 工厂决定淘汰旧机器。
- Old Banana Navy Gap also did away with the small. Old banana Navy Gap商店也废除了小号。
- The big firm decided to do away with absenteeism. 那家大公司决定消灭旷工现象。