- Their main operations is distribution of product, transfer of progeny and imparting of technique. 以产品销售、成果转让、技术培训等为主要业务。
- We are a leading company of production and distribution of control equipment footswitch solenoid. 本公司是领导厂家作为设计,生产和销售控制机器的脚踏开关/电磁线圈。
- Marxism is concerned with the distribution of wealth on an equal basis and the equitable utilisation of the means of production. 马克思主义讲究的是财富的平等分配,生产工具的公正使用。
- An employer shall determine independently its own distribution of wages and wage scale according to the characteristics of production or operation and its economic results. 用人单位根据本单位的生产经营特点和经济效益,依法自主确定本单位的工资分配方式和工资水平。
- The proproportional limitation of production or distribution of something (e.g. crude oil or natural gas) to some fractional part of the total capacity of each producer. 有比例地限制生产或者分配(如原油或者天然气)。
- That car went out of production five years ago. 那种汽车已经停产五年了。
- The result shows that the distribution of product base on liquid chromatogram data,using AAS to determine the content of Sn is exact and simple. 认为液相色谱对产品的分布提供了可靠的数据,对生产过程的控制提供了依据。总锡含量的测定以原子吸收光谱法较准确和简便。
- The distribution of the magazine is 2000. 该杂志的销售量为2000份。
- Our effort is gear to a higher level of production. 我们调整力量将生产推向更高的水平。
- Hydrogen transfer reaction is one of the most important reaction in FCC.It determinates distribution of the product, quality of product and the olefin content in cracked product. 氢转移反应是催化裂化过程中的重要二次反应,对催化裂化的产品分布、产品质量以及裂化产物中的烯烃含量存在显著影响。
- The increase of production is evidence of that. 生产的增长就是这方面的例证。
- We have to sum up the costs of production. 我们得计算一下生产成本。
- The factory cannot maintain current levels of production. 该工厂不能保持目前的生产水平。
- They could not agree about the distribution of the profits. 他们对于利润的分配意见不一致。
- The theory reveals the relationship between the fracturing process of rock debris and the distribution of products more thoroughly. 证实了分形理论可以更深刻、更全面地揭示岩屑试样破碎过程与产物分布的联系。
- Our effort is geared to a higher level of production. 我们调整力量将生产推向更高的水平。
- In the whole, the uniform distribution of stiffeners on the inner wall is propitious to lower the maximal stress and prolong the use life of products. 整体来说,加强筋在内壁上均匀分布有利于降低最大应力,提高产品的使用寿命。
- The manager tried to even out the distribution of work among his employees. 经理把工作尽量平均分配给雇员。
- Our comrades must do their utmost to learn the techniques of production. 我们的同志们必须用极大的努力去学习生产技术。
- The distribution of our school paper is now 3000. 我们校刊的发行量现在是3000份。