- distributed computing fabric 分布式计算范例, 分布式计算结构
- Distributed computing may or may not find aliens. 分布式计算有可能会也可能不会找到异形人。
- Our method is particularly suited to distributed computing. 我们的方法特别适合分布式计算。
- Which distributed computing project(s) are you working on? 您正在为哪个分布式网络计算项目工作?
- Grid is a hot topic in distributed computing nowadays. 网格是当前分布计算研究领域的热点。
- NET is accelerating the transform to the distributed computing. 其目的是要加速向分布式计算的转移。
- As a distributed computing paradigm, grid computing has benefited from this. 与分布式计算范型类似,网格计算也可以从中受益。
- Jini technology of Sun is a new solution in the field of distributed computing. SUN公司提出的Jini技术是分布式计算领域的一种全新方式。
- So those attributes are necessary. Grid is a method of distributed computing . 网格是属于分布式计算的一种方法,而目前的另一个分布式计算方法是Peer-to-Peer(P2P)技术。
- There will be a special emphasis on networks and distributed computing. 重点将特别放在网络和分布式计算上。
- Support distributed computation models to process large data sets. 支持分布式计算模型,处理大规模数据。
- The extensible markup language(XML) is going to be the common data language of distributed computing. 可扩展标记语言XML正逐渐成为分布式计算的通用语言。
- Also, distributed computing is still such a new field of science that all of these projects need our support. 同时,分布式计算仍然是大量需要我们支持的科学项目的一个新的研究领域。
- BOINC provides features that simplify the creation and operation of distributed computing projects. BOINC独特的性能大大简化了创建和操作分布式计算项目的过程。
- FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions about this site and distributed computing projects. 一些有关本网站和分布式计算项目的常见问题解答。
- Magazine reviewer as saying, "Does distributed computing have to be any harder than this? 杂志评论员的话:“难道分布式计算一定比这还难吗?
- This may not be surprising, since grids are inherently a form of distributed computing. 这并不奇怪,因为网格本质上就是一种分布式计算的形式。
- At its core, the grid is all about distributed computing and resource management. 网格的全部核心就是分布式计算与资源管理。
- That is so-called Distributed Computing to calculate and evaluate the possibility? 计算和估计可能性?
- Distributed Computing forms three representative mainstream techniques-CORBA, DCOM, EJB. Enterprise application is one of the major fields. 企业应用是分布计算应用的主要领域之一。