- distance virtual experiment 远程虚拟实验
- This article introduces a simulation of P-V-T relation virtual experiment which is based on VRML and 3D technique. 摘要阐述了基于VRML和三维图形技术,给出了P-V-T关系实验虚拟仿真的仿真方案及技术实现。
- The VRML is a Modeling Language, which is applied in virtual experiment widly. The virtual experiment of slide projector is realized in VRML language. VRML语言是一种建模语言,广泛应用于虚拟实验中。本文介绍如何利用VRML语言实现幻灯机的虚拟实验。
- This paper introduces the total design of Virtual experiment system for Mechanism diagram drawing and implementation of this system function. 介绍机构运动简图测绘虚拟实验系统的总体设计构思与实现系统功能的方法。
- It expatiate thinking about the hound of figuring virtual experimental model accurately, and bring the principle about definition of virtual experiment. 基于静电跳球虚拟实验的开发,阐述了关于精确表示虚拟实验模型限度的思考,并提出确定虚拟实验精确度的原则。
- The process of the Virtual Experiment can been controlled interactively by the experimenter. This makes it easier to understand and analyze simulation result of vehicle movement. 虚拟试验结果表明:虚拟试验能较好的虚拟再现实车试验的场景,参与者能交互地控制仿真过程,使人们对车辆运动仿真的分析、理解变得更为容易。
- The exploitation and study on virtual experiment system of hydraulic carne indicate it is feasible that we explore virtual simulating system of laboratory. 液压起重机虚拟样机实验系统的开发研究,表明实际开发实验室虚拟仿真系统是可行的。
- The necessity and feasibility of virtual experiment introduced to hydraulics and pneumatics experiment teaching by means of information technology is explained. 阐述了利用计算机信息技术将虚拟实验方法引入液压与气动实验教学的必要性和可行性;
- distance virtual laboratory platform 远程虚拟实验平台
- Virtual Experiment and Distance Experiment Instruction 虚拟实验与远程实验教学
- The mountains were hazy in the distance. 远处的群山笼罩在雾霭之中。
- This algorithm has been realized on virtual experiment system of circuit. The practical running and theoretics analyse proves that this algorithm is effective in improving the speed of routing and optimizing the rout of routing. 该算法已经在虚拟电路实验系统中实现,通过实际应用及理论分析表明该算法在提高布线速度和优化布线路径等方面均有良好的效果。
- Microwave virtual experiment means to demonstrate some microwave phenomena by operating software. To do this, multifunction computer-aided instruction(CAI) courseware must be designed and developed. 微波虚拟实验是指开发或利用计算机辅助教育(CAI)课件,将一些基本微波现象通过软件演示或操作来完成。
- With the development of on-line education, the virtual experiment experienced from academic research to practical application. 网络教育的蓬勃发展促进了虚拟实验概念的诞生,并推动虚拟实验逐步从理论研究走向实际应用。
- The second part makes a detailed discussion on the overall plan, real accomplishment, key techniques and improvement envisage in virtual experiment system of computer communication. 第二部分对计算机虚拟通信实验系统的整体设计、具体实现、关键技术以及改进设想等方面作了较为详尽的阐述。
- He judged the distance to a nicety. 他判断距离很正确。
- Actual system in the condition of laboratory is the background of the study on Virtual experiment system of hydraulic carne that realize system simulation in virtual prototyping by personal computer. 液压起重机虚拟样机实验系统研究,以实验室条件下的真实系统为开发背景,实现了虚拟样机在个人电脑上的系统仿真。
- I make the distance anywhere between ten to twelve miles. 我猜想距离在十到十二英里之间。
- At a distance of six miles you can't see much. 距离六英里以外的东西很难看清。
- The article analyzes the VRML language characteristics, and points out the reason why VRML is suitable for designing virtual experiments. 文章分析了VRML语言的特点,指出VRML适合设计虚拟实验的原因。