- head restraint (汽车乘员) 头部保护装置
- restraint of princes (海上保险) 出港的禁止
- 但它不会覆盖已经设置的DISPLAY值。 It doesn't override the current value when DISPLAY is already set, though.
- 在切换栏上可以看到应用程序的Display Name和图标。 The Display Name and icon for the application can be seen on the switcher bar.
- 汽车儿童约束系统(CRS,Child Restraint System)广泛应用于欧美日等国家和地区,开发出了适合不同年龄段儿童的CRS,并出台了相应的法律法规。 Child restraint system (CRS) has been extensively used in many countries and areas such as Europe, American, Japan, etc, where many different types of CRS for different children have been developed and corresponding laws and regulations have been established.
- 要从终端程序窗口启动X11程序,你需要设置"DISPLAY"环境变量。 To launch X11 applications from a Terminal. App window, you must set the environment variable "DISPLAY".
- 根据下表设置单个验证控件的ErrorMessage、Text和Display属性 Set the ErrorMessage, Text, and Display properties of the individual validation controls according to the following table
- 若要更改突出显示的代码行的颜色,请参见Changing the Display of Code Coverage Data。 To change the colors in which lines of code are highlighted, see Changing the Display of Code Coverage Data.
- 表达式是在当前堆栈帧的上下文中求值的,其结果显示在Display窗口的Expressions视图中。 The expression is evaluated in the context of the current stack frame, and the results are displayed in the Expressions view of Display window.
- 文章介绍了引导伞减速伞的开伞过程建模及应用分析代码 (RVAC)和图形动画 (DISPLAY)的实例。 This paper describes how to model the deployment of pilot and drogue parachutes, introduces some examples using Reentry Vehicle Analysis Code (RVAC) and animation software (DISPLAY).
- 记录计算机输出的一种设备,输出可以是一条曲线,也可以是一组打印数字或字母。同character display device。 A device, consisting usually of physical equipment, that records the computer output either as a curve or as a set of printed numbers or letters.
- 有机发光二级管,[台]有机发光二极管 2. (organic light emitting display) 有机发光显示屏,[台]有机发光显示器 OLED 1. (organic light emitting diode)
- 在空白表单的第一行中键入This is View 1,然后在第二行中键入Check to display View 2 when the form is opened。 On the blank form, type This is View 1 on the first line, and then type Check to display View 2 when the form is opened on the second line.
- 为了实现动态的全息显示,本文研究了基于TFT-LCD(Thin-film-transistor LiquidCrystal Display)再现的计算全息。 To achieve dynamic holography display, this paper studies the reconstruction of CGH (Computer-Generated H ologram) based on TFT-LCD (Thin-film-transistor Liquid Crystal Display).
- 然后采用模块化的思想进行EPG软件设计,将整个EPG软件分为三大块:数据搜索模块、OSD(OnScreen Display)模块、应用处理模块。 Secondly, EPG software is designed based on modular ideology. It involves datasearching module, processing of application module and OSD (On Screen Display)module.
- 主要研究内容如下:详细分析了等离子平板显示器(Plasma Display Panel,简称PDP)的工作原理,光致发光机理,以及制备荧光材料的各种方法; The main work is as follows:The theory of plasma display panel (PDP), principle of photoluminescence (PL) and methods of synthesis were specified.
- 本课题研究的是高速数字存储示波器的高速随机取样变换技术,彩色LCD(Liquid Crystal Display)显示驱动器设计以及通道信号波形显示处理。 High-speed random sampling of high-speed DSO (Digitizing Storage Oscilloscope) is discussed in this thesis and which is mainly analyzed in the time-domain. We also discuss the design of dedicated LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) controller for DSO and how to display the channel signal on the LCD.
- 和传统的阴极射线管(CRT)显示器相比,液晶显示器(Liquid crystal display, LCD)具有环保、节能、易于平板化和便携性等性能优势,越来越受到人们的青睐。 Compared to conventional CRT displays, Liquid crystal displays (LCD) have many advantages, such as environmental protection, low power, flatness and portability.
- 1992年,梁鹏和Pardee建立了一种新的显示mRNA差异表达的技术,称为mRNA差异显示(mRNA Differential display)或差异显示反转录PCR(Differential display RT-PCR)。 In 1992, liangpeng and Pardee setted up a new mRNA dif-feretial display technology, it was called DD - PCR.