- discus sport result 铁饼比赛成绩
- Stay tuned to us for the latest sports results. 请继续收听我们播放的最新比赛结果。
- Stay tuned to us for the latest sports results . 请继续收听我们播放的最新比赛结果。
- He gave the discus a tremendous heave. 他猛一使劲掷出铁饼。
- Study on Psychology Training in Sport Result of Examinee 心理训练对体育考生的运动成绩的效应研究
- New problem emerge as they discus further. 随着他们讨论的深入新的问题也冒了出来。
- I see Britain did well in the discus. 我看英国队在铁饼项目中表现不错。
- Men used to bait bulls and bears for sport. 从前人们常逗弄牛和熊取乐。
- Volleyball is a sport of which I am very fond. 排球是我很喜欢的运动。
- This sport jacket will match those pants nicely. 这件运动衫和那条短裤很相配。
- The tribunal discus the question of redundancy payment. 法庭讨论了对解雇人员的付款问题。
- Aerobatics is a dangerous sport. 特技飞行是危险的运动。
- The hunting group had good sport today. 今天打猎小组满载而归。
- My brother wants to buy a sport jacket. 我弟弟想买一件运动衫。
- We desperately need a result from this match. 这场比赛我们务必获胜。
- The sport of gymnastics is popular in our country. 体操运动在我国很流行。
- He is indifferent to the result of the exam. 他对考试结果漠不关心。
- What was the result of your deliberation? 你仔细考虑后结果如何?
- Football is our most popular spectator sport. 足球是最受我们欢迎、最能吸引观众的一项运动。
- Do you think football is an exciting sport? 你认为足球是一种激动人心的运动吗?