- Which is the most direct way to London? 去伦敦哪条路线最近?
- He talks in such an open and direct way. 他说话向来开诚布公。
- The direct way may be used in joining battle. 迂回求直。
- He have a direct way of speaking. 他讲话直率。
- And they affect all of us in a very direct way. 而且它们以一种非常直接的方式影响着我们所有人。
- She has a direct way of speaking. 她说话直爽。
- Which is the most direct way to Seoul? 到首尔哪一条路最近?
- The client has no direct way to know this port number before the port is used. 在使用端口之前,客户端无法直接知道该端口号。
- This means that we have the Triune God in a direct way as our enjoyment. 这意思就是,我们有三一神直接作我们的享受。
- The author thinks that the direct way to match a LAN with ISDN is to realize in LAN all services of ISDN. 现有LAN适配于ISDN的直接方法是在LAN上实现ISDN功能,从而达到LAN工作站与ISDN间业务的完全互通。
- While this isn’t, strictly speaking, direct manipulation, it does provide a reasonably direct way to invoke a command. 所以严格来讲,这并不是直接操控,但却提供了一种合情合理的直接方式来调用命令。
- Mr Rochester had such a direct way of giving orders, it seemed a matter of course to obey him promptly. 罗切斯特先生用这样直截了当的方式下命令,似乎立即服从他是件理所当然的事。
- Mr. Rochester had such a direct way of giving orders, it seemed a matter of course to obey him promptly. 罗切斯特先生用这样直截了当的方式下命令,似乎立即服从他是件理所当然的事。
- The most direct way to find out what is inside a plum pudding is to plunge a finger into it. 要知道葡萄干布丁里边是些什么,最直接的方法是将一个手指伸进布
- However, it may be helpful to know the most direct way to pose a question to get the best results. 同时,在这里我们也提供一些最常用的格式以方便您得到更好的结果。
- But I mean, the main thing, Wally, is that I think that kind of comfort just separates you from reality in a very direct way. 但是我想说,最主要的事情是,沃利,是我想那种安逸只能以一种非常直接的方式,把你从现实生活中分离出来。
- A hot line is a telephone line that offers a direct way of getting in touch with advisers. 热线是一种电话,它能提供一种直接与咨询者联系的方式。
- Direct way solenoid valves are adopted with low pressure air neededgood spraying effects. 采用直通式电磁阀,需用气源压力低,喷吹效果好。
- Unlike other IFV combos, the Engineer IFV has no direct way of killing enemy units. 与其他IFV组合不同,工程师IFV不能直接杀死敌人。
- To listen to the silence, wherever you are, is an easy and direct way of becoming present. 不论在哪里,去聆听那种寂静都是一个进入”当前“的简单又直接的方法。