- SCs matured at pachytene.At diplotene,SCs broke down and disappeared. SC成熟于粗线期,而以破碎方式解体,消失于双线期。
- Prophase may be divided into successive stages termed leptotene, zygotene, pachytene, diplotene, and diakinesis. 前期可被分为连续的阶段:细线期、偶线期、粗线期、双线期和终变期。
- In diplotene, lateral elements of a few SCs separate and the presence of fragmented SCs takes place. 在双线期除了个别SCs 侧生组分分开外,大多数SCs 发生碎片化 (fragmentation)。
- In diplotene the pairs of chromatids begin to separate from the tetrad formed by the association of homologous chromosomes. 双线期时,配对的染色单体开始从四分体中分离,此时常可见染色体交叉。
- Diplotene In MEIOSIS, the stage in late PROPHASE I when the pairs of chromatids begin to separate from the tetrad formed by the association of homologous chromosomes. 双线期:在减数第一次分裂的前期中的靠后的一个阶段。
- Mode of business operation: Diplonema manages for the domestic market with foreign trade, retail and wholesale, excellent quality and reasonable price, online order , convenient and rapid. 经营方式:内销和外贸双线经营,批发、零售量大从优,网上定货,方便快捷。
- diplonema(diplotene) 双线期
- Habenaria diplonema n. 小巧玉凤花
- diplonema 双线期
- diplotene n. [生]双线期
- diplotene stage 双线期