- How to restore close diopter very quickly? 如何很快恢复近视度?
- How strong are your glasses?4 diopter. 你的(近视)眼镜多少度?400度.
- Adjusting range is earth 4 diopter. 调节范围为土4个屈光度。
- How to wear glasses close diopter to be counted to you can change? 戴上眼镜近视度数会怎样变化?
- How can you prevent what close diopter counts increase excuse me? 请问怎样可以防止近视度数的增加?
- I am a friend try nikon D90, diopter adjustment, it is a... 我正在试用朋友的尼康D90,调屈光度,很不错的相机!
- Results: With the diopter increasing,the choridal thickness was decreased. 结果:随着屈光度的增加,脉络膜逐渐变薄;
- The excimer laser refractive surgical instrument can be used to correct myopia, hyperopia astigmatism diopter. 摘要准分子激光眼科治疗机可以用来进行近视、远视、散光等屈光不正的矫正手术。
- Mean myopia diopter of 70 eyes(87 5%)was in the range of the predicted diopter ±1D. 术后屈光度平均值为 -1 96± 1 2 8D ,70只眼 (87 5 %25 )在预矫屈光度±1D内。
- The results suggested that the IOP in myopia is positively related to CCT and LOA,but negatively related to diopter. 影响近视眼眼压的主要因素是屈光度、眼轴长度、角膜中央厚度 ,对有近视眼的原发性开角型青光眼的诊断时应特别注意这些因素对眼压值的影响
- Conclusion:The agreement between cycloplegic retinoscopic and autorefractive spherical equivalent diopter was high. 自动验光仪验光的结果比视网膜检影结果稍小一些。
- Eye close diopter of Xiaoming is very deep, but wore glasses to still blur however, why? 小明的眼睛近视度很深,但是戴了眼镜却仍然模糊,为什么?
- With age increasing,the diopter of these subjects had a tendency of hypermetropia from myopia. 随着年龄的增长,人眼的屈光度有由近视向远视变化的趋势。
- Objective To study the relations between central corneal thickness, central corneal diopter and eye axis in myopic eye. 目的探讨不同屈光度近视眼的角膜中央厚度、角膜中央屈光力及眼轴长度的关系。
- Myopic vision to reduce the rate of deterioration, to a certain extent, adult diopter down! 降低近视患者的视力恶化速度,成人在一定程度上降屈光度!
- A digital diopter measuring instrument is described for lens spherical vertex power and cylindrical axis measurement. 本文论述了一种采用旋转编码器与莫尔条纹测长相结合进行眼镜片的顶点屈光度。
- Three dimensions in the eyeballs of suture group were all enlarged markedly and the mean diopter was -15.00D. 缝合组眼球三条径线均明显增大,平均屈光度为-15.;00D。
- To measure central corneal thickness, central corneal diopter and eye axis with ultrasonic A and corneal topography. 利用A超、角膜地形图仪测定上述患者的角膜中央厚度、角膜中央屈光力及眼轴长度。
- Objective] To evaluate the liability of myopia in child with diopter as a indicator and prevent myopia earlier. 用眼屈光度作为指标评价个体儿童近视眼易患性,开展早期预防。
- Flow getting flat and good , easy to brush, surface smooth and apparent half zero diopter. 流平性好,易于刷涂,表面光滑而显半平光。