- B: E-card is a kind of digital product. 电子贺卡是一种数字产品。
- A lot of digital products are exhibited at the commodity fair. 这次高科技产品交易会展出了很多数码产品。
- Lan Zhou City computer digital product marketplace bearing , route? 兰州市电脑数码产品市场方位、路线?
- Digital products regularly assume that people are technology literate. 数字产品往往假设人们非常了解技术,
- Why then are so many digital products so difficult and unpleasant to use? 可是,为什么仍有那么多的数字产品难于使用并且令人不快呢?
- The model therefore provides a feasible solution for pricing digital products. 该方案为数字产品定价提供一种可行的解决方案。
- With IT developing rapidly, new digital products come out one after another. IT领域发展迅速,数码产品不断抢风。
- TH Leaguer also invests and developes the hi-tech digital product industry. 本公司同时在尖端数字产品领域进行投资和拓展。
- Controls are manipulable, self-contained screen objects through which people interact with digital products. 控件是使用者和数字产品进行交流的屏幕对象,它具有可操作性和自包含性。
- As we discussed in the Introduction, interactive digital products are uniquely imbued with complex behavior. 而绪论所探讨的交互数字产品比较特殊,其设计充满了复杂的行为。
- Conference on Digital Production and Pedagogy in Literature. 文学数位制作与教学研讨会。
- Anyone who uses a digital product for hours a day will very quickly internalize the nuances of its interface. 任何一个人一天花几个小时使用某个数字产品,都会快速记住界面的细微差别。
- This is one of the most exciting types of human behavior, and one of the most challenging to effectively support with digital products. 这种处理是人的行为中最为激动的一种,也是对于数字产品是否能有效支持的最困难的一个方面。
- Most digital products today emerge from the development process like a creature emerging from a bubbling tank. 目前,多数数字产品的开发过程就像怪物从咕咚冒泡的容器中诞生一样。
- Ultimately, we believe that the same considerations that we apply to other digital products should be used here. 考虑种种情形,最终我们认为,应该同其他的数字产品一样,对这类网站做类似的处理。
- Digital products are also often obscure, hiding meaning, intentions, and actions from users. 数字产品常常也是晦涩费解的,它们将真实含义、意图和动作隐藏起来,让用户无从知晓。
- Why is the technology industry generally so inept at designing the interactive parts of digital products? 为什么在技术行业中通常无法设计出好的数字产品的交互部分呢?
- Digital products often blame users for making mistakes that are not their fault, or should not be. 数码产品经常指责用户犯错,哪怕错误根本不在用户,或者不该发生。
- But clearly, most current approaches to the design of digital products aren't working as advertised. 但是目前,多数数字产品的设计流程远不像宣传的那样合理。