- The presented virtual system can work as a voltmeter, ammeter, signal generator, digital oscilloscope and power supply. 被呈现的虚拟系统能运作如一个转变方向,安培计,信号产生器, 数传示波器和力量补给。
- Virtual Digital Oscilloscope data archiving procedures of a word, I hope to help everyone. 虚拟数字示波器的数据存盘的一个字程序,希望给大家帮助。
- The triggering function of time orientation in TDS684C digital oscilloscope was used in the system, and representative measurement waveform was s... 系统应用利用TDS684C数字示波器的时间定位触发功能,通过系统操作设置及典型测量波形照片,建立了无需时标注入电路的时间关联新系统。
- In this paper, a DAQ system base on digital oscilloscope and LabView is set up, and the noise performances of digital ORTEC-572, DPLMS and trapezoidal shaping method are studied. 本文搭建了一套基于数字示波器和LabView的DAQ系统,并通过实验研究了数字ORTEC-572、DPLMS和数字梯形成形等数字算法的噪声性能。
- Moreover, the UHF microstrip antenna and digital I/O module and data acquisition unit---TDS5032 digital oscilloscope were selected according to the requirements of system. 并根据系统要求,选定了超高频微带天线和数字I/O控制模块,选定泰克公司的TDS5032高速数字示波器作为系统的数据采集单元,构建了GIS局部放电超高频数据采集系统。
- Applying chaotic theory to trigging circuit os digital oscilloscope(DSO),it could measure weak signal and capture the point when the weak signal changed very small amplitude. 将混沌理论应用于数字示波器的触发电路设计中,并用嵌入式系统实现。
- We designed an Archimedean spiral antenna to receive the UHF signals, andbuild the UHF detection system with the TDS-684C digital oscilloscope to meet theneed of the laboratory study. 为了试验室研究的需要,研制了阿基米德螺旋天线传感器,并和 TDS-684C数字示波器一起组成了特高频检测装置。
- A digital sampled-data system is designed, which uses the connection between the computer and the digital oscilloscope by GPIB.The sampled signal can be detected and processed on computer. 摘要利用数字式存储示波器的GPIB接口与微机相连组成数字采集系统,可以在微机上对采集的信号进行检测与处理。
- Gains, filter coefficients and triggering parameters can be controlled by software.This monitoring system offered by an interactive graphic functions somewhat as a digital oscilloscope. 配合一个交谈式图形化的程式,系统功能,犹如一部数位示波器,能适用于各种不同机械的振动信号监视及模型建立。
- In this paper, a method for enhancing the measure performance of digital oscilloscope for Amplitude Modulation (AM) signals is presented by applying Elman sptio-temporal neural network. 运用时空神经网络时域和空域模式识别方法给数字示波器增加AM调制信号测量功能。
- The system includes a line-focus PVDF transducer, a four-axis precise moving framework, an NI PXI bus embedded controller, an ultrasonic pulse generator/receiver and a digital oscilloscope. 系统由线聚焦PVDF探头、四轴精密运动平台、NI PXI总线嵌入式控制器、超声脉冲产生/接收仪以及数字记忆示波器组成。
- Discussion about Rise Time of Digital Oscilloscope 关于数字示波器上升时间测量的探讨
- the Virtual Digital Oscilloscope 虚拟数字示波器
- One To More. Several USB Digital Oscilloscopes can be connected to one computer and run correctly. 一带多功能。一台电脑可以同时带多台USB示波器。自动识别示波器的型号。
- Abstract: The present paper covers a virtual digitizing oscilloscope system constructed by means of a general data collection card, discussion of the realization of the function of the virtual digitizing oscilloscope and the design method of software. 文摘:用通用数据采集卡构成虚拟数字存储示波器系统,并讨论虚拟数字存储示波器的功能实现及软件设计方法.
- The improved loss calculation method can improve the accuracy of digital oscilloscopes with a measurement error of less than 5%. 通过分析提出了开通和关断损耗的改进计算方法,在获得较高准确度(95%25)的同时可降低对示波器测量分辨率的要求。
- Discusses how to develop digital oscilloscopes auto verification procedures in detail,in order to satisfy many different kinds of digital oscilloscopes verification. 较为详细地阐述了数字示波器全自动检定系统程序库的开发,满足了多种数字示波器自动检定的需求。
- As a new development in the field of electronic oscilloscopes a hand-held digital oscilloscope is a truly integrated test tool, with digital storage oscilloscope (DSO), multimeter and digital ondometer in one easy-to-use instrument. 手持式数字示波表是示波器技术的一个新的发展方向。 通过使用大规模集成电路和液晶显示器,它把数字存储示波器、数字频率计、数字万用表组合在一个手持式仪表体内。
- Verification of the Scanning Time Base of Digital Oscilloscope 数字存储示波器水平时间扫描因数检定
- Application of Digital Oscilloscope in Testing High Power Laser 泰克数字示波器在强激光测试技术中的应用