- digital academic library 数字图书馆
- Reading guidance service in academic library is a component of academic library service. 高校图书馆阅读辅导服务是高校图书馆服务的组成部分。
- With the development of Academic Library in new era,librarians are being put into a higher level. 新时期高校图书馆事业的发展,对图书馆馆员提出了更高的要求。
- The development of higher education influences and decides the development direction of academic library. 高等教育的发展影响和决定着大学图书馆的发展方向。
- The information commons has integrated the academic library into the learning process. 信息共享空间已成为大学生知识获取过程不可分割的一部分。
- Audiovisual materials service is a good way for students' comprehensive education of academic library. 图书馆是大学生素质教育基地,生动直观的视听文献则是对大学生进行素质教育的好手段。
- This article introduces 8 measures Academic Library should take to improve the periodical document utilization ratio. 本文介绍了高校图书馆提高期刊文献利用率所需采取的8个措施。
- The article discuses the problems on digital reference service in the academic libraries, and presents corresponding suggestions and countermeasures. 摘要本文详细地论述了高校图书馆开展数字参考咨询服务存在的主要问题,并提出了相应的建议与对策。
- The article focuses on the resources collection and management and analyzes the problems in the development of academic library. 主要论述高校文库建立的意义、高校文库资料的收集和管理,分析各高校文库建设中遇到的一些问题,并提出建议。
- Recycle bookshelf is a book recirculation service sponsored by academic library that aims to solve the problem of the used books donated by graduates. "循环书架"是大学图书馆为解决以教材和教学参考书为主的大学毕业生赠书而开辟的一项图书循环使用服务。
- The paper points out the necessity of redesigning the evaluation index system of academic library and the main principles for evaluation index. 摘要指出构建高等院校图书馆评估新指标体系的必要性,构建图书馆评估指标应考虑的原则。
- There are the remarkable changes in the information resources construction and objective environment in the academic library along with information technology developments. 随着信息技术的飞速发展,高校图书馆的信息资源建设及客观环境发生了显著的变化。
- Christine L. Borgman(2002). E-learning, Digital Libraries, and the Role of Academic Libraries in the 21st Century. APEC Workshop on e-Learning and Digital Archives at the Academia Sinica, Taipei. 林丽娟、张淳淳(民90)。网路化资讯素养教学。2001资讯素养与终身学习社会研讨会,逢甲大学,10月19-21日。
- The paper expounds the functions and position of the academic library in the development of intellectual economy and provides some thoughts on its improvement on the eve of intellectual economy era. 论述高等学校图书馆在知识经济发展中的作用与地位,阐明了在知识经济时代的前夜,高等学校图书馆建设的基本思路。
- digital academic information resource 数字化学术信息资源
- The author points out that only by building the academic library as a learning-based organization can its competitiveness and activity be enhanced to meet the challenge of the knowledge economy society and high-speed development of higher education. 指出高校图书馆只有创建学习型组织,才能增强竞争力和活力,以迎接知识经济社会和高等教育快速发展带来的挑战。
- The recommendations of this report not surprisingly produced a hostile reaction from academic libraries. 该报告提出后果然不出所料产生了来自学术图书馆的敌对情绪。
- This article discusses about the course of library evaluation of academic libraries. 摘要本文主要探讨大学图书馆评?之议题。
- Through investigation and analysis of the academic library reader requirements under the credit system, this paper points out the challenge that the credit system form to the academic library, and responds adoptable and reformable approach. 摘要本文通过在学分制实施下高校图书馆读者阅读现状调查分析,得出高校实行学分制教学制度对图书馆形成的严重挑战,提出了应采取的对策和进行改革的途径。
- First and foremost, the paper dissects the current conditions of library service and its administration, points out the reasons why academic library hasn't converted to user-centered. 文章首先剖析了图书馆服务及管理的现状,指出了大学图书馆未转向以读者为中心的症结所在。