- Routes features to different output ports depending on the value of an attribute. 根据特定的属性值将要素集分成不同的输出端口。
- difference output port 差分输出端口
- Two RF output port, offsetting or allotting output for option. 双口输出,可采用分支或分配输出选件。
- A pin is a filter port, and it can be either an input port or an output port. 一个针是一个筛选器端口,它可以是输入端口也可以是输出端口。
- Address Bus:Locates data stores in the memory,input port, or output port. 地址总线:确定数据在存储器,输入口或输出口中的存储位置。
- And send it to the MIDI Receiver that encapsulates the selected MIDI output port. 并且将其发送给MIDI接收器,该接收器封装了所选的MIDI输出端口。
- Dynamic display of key input and output in the form of 10 hexadecimal. P0 port input, P2 output port. 动态显示输入的按键,并且以10进制形式输出。P0口输入,P2口输出。
- You can measure positive PSRR (figure 4 and figure 5) by connecting Pin 3 to the SR785’s output port. 你可以测试正电源纹波抑制比(图4和图5 )通过连接脚3至sr785的输出端口。
- Hot-potato router can arbitrarily choose one free output port without waiting,but it has the problem of livelock. 热土豆路由在路由器从不等待,任意选择一个空闲的端口进行发送,但却有活锁问题。
- Each region can be reassigned to a different output. 每个区域都可以再指定给一个不同的输出。
- At the installation of a pipeline on fluid Detect moisture meter to monitor the output port can transmit data to the computer wellhead. 在管线上安装一个检测采液含水率的仪表进行监控,其输出端口可将数据传输到井口计算机。
- Many sound cards, Firewire and USB audio devices include a MIDI input and output port (for use, for example, with a MIDI Keyboard). 很多声卡,火线和USB音频设备包含有一个MIDI输入和输出端口(为了使用,还应该有一台MIDI键盘)。
- Direction of drive shaft rotation against control signal increase can be changed by reversing positioner's output port connection. 当输入定位器的调节信号增加时,输出轴的回转方向可以用定位器出口空气配管的连接方式来进行改变。
- Output Port:Accepts data from the CPU and converted it into a recognizable format. The output port connects output devices such as a printer,monitor,or speakers. 输出口:接受来自CPU的数据并将其转换成可辨别形式。输出口连接着诸如打印机、监视器、扬声器之类的输出设备。
- It is a bidirectional bus with input and output strobes.If the bidirectional feature is not needed,bus can be used as a statically latched output port or non-latching input port. 如果不使用双向功能,总线可以作为静态锁存输出或无锁存输入端口用。
- Wavelength switching together with the switching of the dominating output port of the fiber laser is achieved by controlling the power of a tunable injection laser. 通过控制一个可调谐注入激光器的光功率实现了该激光器的波长切换和主输出端口切换。
- Whether it rains or not makes no difference to me. 下不下雨对我来说都一样。
- Computers with composite video output ports have mirroring built in. 带有复合视频输出端口的电脑内建有镜像功能。
- They differ in size but not in kind. 这些东西的区别只是大小不同而实质一样。
- Precise difference output instrument amplifier 设计精密差分输出仪表放大器的应用电路