- difference among means 均数间差
- Why have difference among human habitus? 人类体质怎会有差异?
- There are not significant difference among the other treatments. 其它促进愈合措施间无显著差异。
- There is a difference among genotype in ratio of ARS to WRS. 有效吸收面积ARS与根系总表面积WRS的比值具有品种间的差异。
- differences among means 许多平均数间的差数
- These are examples of the cultural difference among and within languages. 这些是不同语言文化间差异的例子。
- WBC count and classification has no significant difference among three groups. 三组间血白细胞计数及分类均无明显差异。
- The positive rate of PPD test was no significant difference among each year. 各年度结核菌素阳性率差异无显著性 ;
- I find such profound differences among our rulers. 我认为我们这些统治者们有很大区别的。
- What are the differences among the three swords? 这三种剑有什么区别?
- Use of the Likert scale differed among instruments. 在不同诊断工具间,对里克特等级的使用各不相同。
- The methods recommended, however, differ among the various sects of Zen. 各种方法受到推荐,然而,禅宗各种教派之间却各有分别。
- SGR was nosignificant different among all trial groups(P >0.05). 各组间SGR无显著差异(P>0.;05)。
- Explain the differences among the three insert iterators. 解释三种插入迭代器的区别。
- The combination of informants also differed among groups. 信息联用在各诊断工具间也不同。
- The difference among these revisionist conservatives is really one of temperament. 这两派愿意改革的保守分子之间的分歧,实质上是气质上的不同。
- The incidence of cataract in this family was 64 56% without significant difference among every generation. 发病率 64 56%25 ,各代之间无明显差异。
- Mean energy, total eddy energy and total value of conversion rate all show a quasi-two-week oscillation. But there are phase differences among them. 指出:北半球平均动能、涡动动能以及涡动动能和平均动能之间的转换率,有准两周的周期振动。
- The primary difference among the bicycles in a product model is the color and the size. 同一产品型号的不同自行车的主要区别在于颜色和尺寸。
- comparison among means for trend 平均趋势比较