- There is no sanction for autocracy. 没有人赞成独裁统治。
- They can now establish outright dictatorship. 他们现在可以建立起彻头彻尾的独裁制度了。
- The country was then living under a military dictatorship. 那个国家当时正处在军事独裁统治之下。
- That country is now living under a military dictatorship. 那个国家现在正处于军事独裁统治之下。
- The fall of the fascist dictatorship was followed by a left-wing backlash. 法西斯专政的垮台引起左翼运动的高涨。
- Autocracy often causes the people to revolt. 独裁统治常常引起人民的反抗。
- The dictatorship of the proletariat is one of the aims of Communism. 无产阶级专政是共产主义的目标之一。
- Germany under Adolf Hitler was an autocracy. 阿道夫·希特勒控制下的德国是一个独裁国家。
- Absolute rule or power;autocracy. 独裁绝对的统治或统治权;专制
- His dictatorship was threatened by his opponents. 他的独裁遭到反对派的威胁。
- It has been a dictatorship for three years. 该国成为独裁国家已有三年。
- Absolute rule or power; autocracy. 独裁绝对的统治或统治权;专制
- It is the dictatorship of factionalism. 是派性专政。
- Germany under Adolph Hitler was an autocracy. 德国曾处在阿尔道夫.;希特勒的独裁之下。
- Government or rule by a single person;autocracy. 独裁政治一人的政府或统治;独裁
- One-party autocracy certainly has its drawbacks. 一党独裁肯定有其缺点。
- Who is to exercise this dictatorship? 谁来行使专政呢?
- One of these forces was dictatorship or despotism. 其中有一个因素既是专制独裁制度。
- We cannot do without dictatorship. 没有专政手段是不行的。
- When liberty becomes license dictatorship is near. 当自由变成了放纵,专政就不会远了。