- Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, a leading German research organization, is developing materials and designs for a thermoelectric generator which will help to solve both problems. 德国弗劳恩霍夫-gesellschaft,德国领先的研究组织,是发展中国家的材料和设计热电发电机这将有助于解决这两个问题。
- Because the key factors of the white LED are high efficiency and high stability, we need to develop materials toward nitride phosphors. 由于白光LED之照明元件要求高效率及高安定性,因此白光LED用之无机萤光材料逐渐往氮化物方面发展。
- These types of comprehension and forms of questions are a result of our work in teaching foreign language reading and in developing materials for teaching foreign language reading. 做推论性问题要求阅读者使用相关的知识,结合从阅读材料中获取的信息,找到合适的答案。
- They added that they hope the information prompts genetic counsellors to develop materials for discussing breast cancer risk in a culturally sensitive way and in languages other than English. 他们还补充说他们希望这个信息可以促使基因咨询师用英语以外的语言从文化的角度写一篇关于乳腺癌的文章。
- Microcellular foams are newly developed materials characterized by the presence of multiple small cells. 微孔发泡塑料是一种内部含有很多小泡孔的新型材料,具有很多优异性能。
- Much of the work is based in improvisation and developing material that comes out of the improvisation process through recycling and reworking material. 他们进行即兴并且将即兴过程衍生的素材反覆提鍊。
- Transcendentalism is a trend of thoughts which made an early thinking particularly towards the swiftly developing materialism in American thinking and cultural field. 超验主义是美国思想文化界较早对迅速发展的物质主义作出独特思考的一种思潮。
- China is a developing country in Asia. 中国是亚洲的发展中国家。
- Acquiring and cultivating a revolutionary spirit does not necessarily require a high level of development materially or a very high level of education. 学习和培养这些革命精神,并不需要多么好的物质条件,也不需要多么高的教育程度。
- France is one of the develop countries. 法国是发达国家之一。
- Languages develop continually through usage. 语言在使用中不断发展。
- Follow up the new developed material related issues based on request from HQ/DB MKT, deal with proper suppliers/production dept. to get samples. 根据市场部提出的相关新品需求,与相关供应商/生产部门联系并落实样品生产。
- It cost a lot of money to develop a product. 要开发一项产品需要花费许多钱。
- main flavour development materials 主要呈味物质
- Can you have this roll of film develop and printed? 请你给这卷胶卷冲印一下可以吗?
- Talent is worthless unless you persevere in developing it. 除非你坚持不懈地发展天赋,否则它是没有价值的。
- Sn-free cutting steel, Bi-free cutting steel and graphite free cutting steel without harmful element to human and surroundings will be friendly development material. 锡易切削钢、铋易切削钢、石墨易切削钢由于不添加对人和环境有害的元素,是一种非常友好的开发钢种。
- Management innovation is the inle of library development.And that innovation to promote development materializes the library survival worthiness importantly. 管理创新是图书馆发展的内在动力,而以创新促发展,则是图书馆生存价值的重要体现。
- Developing symmetrically about a central point. 对称发展的在一个中心点周围对称发展的
- Satisfactory results have been achieved in repairing the mixer furnace by gunning this newly developed material in combination with improvement in the design of the sp... 并通过改进喷枪设计、优化喷补工艺参数,应用于混铁炉喷补取得良好的效果。