- US, Japan now are the only two developed nation executing DS. 在发达国家中仍执行死刑的,现在仅剩美、日两国。
- Third world countries including Jamaica, Surinam, and Guyana supply almost 90% of developed nation imports of bauxite. 第三世界国家包括牙买加、苏里南和圭亚那几乎提供了发达国家铝土矿进口的90%25。
- Initiated trade with developing nations. 开始与发展中国家的贸易
- After Australia,no developed nation on Earth gets more annual sunlight than the United States. 除澳大利亚,世界上没有哪一个发达国家比美国每年获取的阳光更多。
- Our transport infrastructure in the UK is farcically inadequate for a developed nation. 我们英国的交通基础建设,作为一个发达国家来说,非常地不发达。
- Third world countries including Jamaica, Surinam, and Guyana supply almost 90% of developed nation imports of bauxite . 第三世界国家包括牙买加、苏里南和圭亚那几乎提供了发达国家铝土矿进口的90%25。
- They carry out operations in more than one developing nation. 他们在超过一个发展中国家开展业务。
- China and New Zealand signed a free-trade agreement Monday. China's signing is the country's first such pact with a developed nation. 中国和纽西兰星期一签署了一项自由贸易协定,这是中国第一次与已开发国家签署这样的协定。
- What are the implications of this debt for the economies of developed nations. 这些债务对发达国家的经济有何影响?
- Phil Goff, New Zealand's trade minister, has claimed China's maiden trade agreement with a developed nation as a coup for his country and a potential framework for others. 新西兰贸易部长菲尔-戈夫称,中国与发达国家签订的第一份此类贸易协议对该国是个利好,同时也可以为其他国家提供一个潜在的范本。
- Developing nations need outside help. 发展中国家需要外国的援助。
- And just to get people in Britain really gibbering with fright, the IMF predicted that Britain would fare worse in this recession than any other developed nation. 而让英国人更加惶恐和喋喋不休的是,国际货币基金组织预测,英国将遭遇比其他发达国家更严峻的经济衰退。
- Other industrialized countries have developed national broadband strategies. 其他工业化国家已制订国家宽带策略。
- Kiva helps you make a loan to a specific entrepreneur in a developing nation. Kiva这个组织协助你提供贷款给开发中国家的特定创业者。
- Agriculture in the developed nations has both strengths and weaknesses. 发达国家的农业既有长处,也有弱点。
- The developed nations are indeed the world's piggiest protectionists. 发达国家的确是世界上最贪婪地奉行贸易保护主义的国家。
- Instead of narrow the gap between the rich and the poor, thei say, global enables develop nation to swallow the develop nation wealth in debt and interest. 又说,全球化只能使发达国家通过债务与利息吞并发展中国家的财富,而不是缩短贫富之间的差异。
- Exports loom very important in many developing nations. 出口在许多发展中国家显得非常重要。
- Trends promoted in developing nations remain unbalanced. 发展中国家的发展趋势也是不稳定的。
- FAO says, in developing nations overall, hunger continues to rise. FAO说;总体来说在发展中国家;饥饿人口仍在继续上升.