- 妇女利用自家房前屋后发展庭院经济,仅湖南省就有300多万庭院经济户,靠庭院经济每年平均每户增收1250元。Women also make use of the open ground in front or behind their houses to develop courtyard economy. In Hunan Province alone, there are more than 3 million families engaged in courtyard economy, on average one family's income therefore increase 1,250 yuan one year.
- GX-Develop-CV8 GX-Develop-C V8
- "指令性经济,见 command economy" directed economy
- (=develop, development) 发育,发展 dvlp.
- [+plan,scheme] 保密 under wraps
- [idea,plan etc+] 成形 to take shape
- [plan,idea+] 对某人没有吸引力 to be unattractive to sb
- 克林顿总统对新经济的定义是:"The new economy is an economy that's fuelled by technology, driven by entrepreneurship and innovations". American President Bill Clinton has defined the New Economy as "an economy that's fuelled by technology, driven by entrepreneurship and innovations."
- plan是指勾画出一地方或工程等的图样 Plan is to draw a diagram of a place,project,etc
- 克林顿总统对新经济的定义是: ”The new economy is an economy that’s fuelled by technology, driven by entrepreneurship and innovations”. American President Bill Clinton has defined the New Economy as "an economy that's fuelled by technology, driven by entrepreneurship and innovations.
- 对于PLAN_ROW类型的行,此列包含对操作的说明。 For rows of type PLAN_ROW, this column contains a description of the operation.
- 参考Linux集群方案,提出了一种基于Windows xp的pc机并行计算系统的实现方案,采用通用局域网络设置,并行环境为MPICH2实现,编程调试工具为Microsoft Develop Studio。 Similar to Linux PC cluster scheme, the Windows xp PC cluster was made, computer nodes was connected by local network system, and use MPICH2 to setup the parallel environment, use Microsoft Develop Studio as programming tools.
- 指定DROP ALL时,不能指定N'plan_guide_name。 N'plan_guide_name cannot be specified when DROP ALL is specified.
- 说明如何通过USE PLAN查询提示对查询实现强制计划。 Explains how to implement plan forcing for a query using the USE PLAN query hint.
- 我们plan一会议,就要确定会议的长短,议事程序等细节 When we plan a meeting,we decide in detail on its length,on the agenda,etc
- sp_add_maintenance_plan必须从msdb数据库运行并创建一个新的空维护计划。 Sp_add_maintenance_plan must be run from the msdb database and creates a new, but empty, maintenance plan.
- 对于计划致使执行缓慢的查询,若已知有更好的计划,则可使用USE PLAN查询提示。 The USE PLAN query hint can be used for queries whose plans result in slow execution times, but for which you know better plans exist.
- 当查询的计划不理想而且您知道更好的查询执行计划时,可以使用USE PLAN查询提示。 The USE PLAN query hint can be used when the plan for the query is suboptimal and you know of a better execution plan for the query.
- 使用USE PLAN查询提示来强制SQL Server查询优化器对某个查询使用指定查询计划的操作。 The act of using the USE PLAN query hint to force the SQL Server query optimizer to use a specified query plan for a query.
- 从维护计划中删除所有作业时,建议用户执行sp_delete_maintenance_plan_db,以删除计划中的剩余数据库。 When all jobs have been removed from the maintenance plan, we recommend that users execute sp_delete_maintenance_plan_db to remove the remaining databases from the plan.